Tuesday, October 16, 2012

OCTOBER 16, 2012

So, I'm still battling this sinus infection, which does not bode well for my upcoming med-onc appointment on Friday.  I know it's odd, but I'm so nervous about not being on chemo.  Who wants to be on chemo?  Me.  Well, I don't *want* to be on it, but you know what I mean.

I want to keep actively fighting.  If that's what going to keep me here on this earth, then dagnabit, I want the chemo.  (Yes, I totally just used the word dagnabit....isn't that awesome?)

We'll see what happens.  I'm not going to stress out about it...it won't help, and it won't change anything (other than to potentially make things worse), so it's not worth it.  Having said that, I'm being much more conscious about making sure the kids wash their hands when they come home from school, making sure I'm not around people that are sick, etc.

I'm interested in your feedback, though.  If you are a cancer survivor, have you/will you be getting the flu shot?  I've been a very staunch believer that it doesn't help, as the people that I've known that have gotten it either got sick from the shot, or got the flu.  No judging, no talking down a decision someone made....I'm looking for your reasons to either get or to not get the shot.

What else?  It's been a long week.  I've got a lot on my mind, and it's weighing heavily.  I am going to keep it inside, for now, as I need to talk some things through and make some decisions, but the basics of it all is that I've decided that certain things aren't working for me, and changes need to happen.  So, if I'm quiet, please don't think something is wrong.  Just trust that I'm working through some things.

This weekend, the kids and I had an amazing time.  We spent Saturday morning cleaning up the house (it is so much easier when we all do it together - they are such good helpers!), and then *finally* decorated for Halloween.  It isn't much, but we had so much fun deciding where a wall-hanging should go, as if the world would stop spinning is we made the wrong decision.  They painted the tiny pumpkins we bought them....holy moses, is that easier than carving pumpkins!  Much more fun, too, in my opinion.  Clean-up is easier, too.
Painting the pumpkins...
Julia had hers all painted (here), then decided to paint the whole thing black with purple faces.  

Final products - front....

And, back!  

We also worked on a pinterest project on Saturday afternoon, which is the four ghosts you see.  So easy to make - let me know if you want the instructions.  Or, go to my pinterest boards, and check out the Halloween one.  And, yes....I have a Mickey pumpkin light - what of it?  Did you think I'd have anything else?

Close-ups of our projects - the kids decided that two eyes ghosts were boring, so the only one with two eyes is the bottom picture, left hand side.  The ghosts in the top picture are all multi-ocular, as you can clearly see.  Jules made the one in the bottom picture, right-hand side with several "faces", so he can see all around  him.  :)  These kids make me laugh.  

We spent the rest of the afternoon running errands for Girl Scouts (among other things) and picking out Kevin's Halloween costume.  Julia is all set - she's going to be a geisha, care of my friend Akemi, who hooked Jules up with a beautiful yakata (which is a lighter-weight version of the kimono).  Kevin decided he was going to be a ninja, until we got to Target, and he decided on a Bakugan Drangonoid.  I'm not sure what it is, but he is super-stoked, so I'm not going to complain!  

Sunday, Kevin hung out with my dad (Levi was working all weekend), and Jules and I did some advocacy work for the Colon Cancer Alliance at the Women's Expo in downtown Phoenix.  It's an event that we've done for several years now, and while it's a lot of work, we really do believe that we reach several people, and that's what it's all about.  Many thanks to Kevin and Anne Bergersen for manning the table both days - they are tireless advocates, and inspirations to the rest of us.  

This week is back to a normal schedule - fall break is over for the schools, so we are back to choir practice, Girl Scouts meetings, etc.  It makes for a busy week, especially with being back at work full-time, but the kids and I are in a pretty good routine.  For now.  LOL!

Here's to a good rest of the week.  My car has to go back in for some work (again).....we think it might be the fuel pump.  *sigh*  I wish I could get rid of this one and get a newer vehicle, but we are so far upside down on this that there's no way to make that work.  So, we'll keep fixing this one up and run it into the ground.  Anyone want to buy me a newer car?  :)  

Two and a half weeks until Rodney!  I'll tell you, this has made me smile when I needed it, more than I can tell you.  I'm so excited - I hope I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm really looking forward to the concert and to the meet-and-greet.  I hope I get a few minutes to chat with him, and to get some good pictures.  It's going to be more low-key than the Daughtry concert, so I need to keep that in mind.  But, I'm really thinking that because it's a smaller venue, it will be more intimate and we'll be able to enjoy it that much more.  Although, it will be hard to top the front-row experience....


Anyways, more later this week.  As I said, med-onc on Friday.  *fingers crossed*


Akemiko said...

I dunno Michelle, I've gotten the flu shot some years, and not other years - I really didn't see a difference. I now get the shot every year because my mom is elderly, and I'd like to think that it does make a difference.
October 16, 2012 at 2:22 PM

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