Thursday, October 25, 2012

OCTOBER 25, 2012

Starting round two of Xeloda today.  I woke up in a good mood, and that was kind of tempered when I realized that I needed to start my chemo again today.

I know I can handle it....I know I can mitigate the side effects.  I just don't look forward to the low-level nausea, the general fatigue, and having to be super-conscious of when I'm eating, moisturizing my hands and feet (to ward off hand and foot syndrome), etc.  I've had a good break (if being on an antibiotic is a break), and I've been enjoying feeling good.

So, I'm hopeful that I can continue this trend.  We'll see.  I've got a busy couple of weeks coming up (well, months, really), so it's going to be up to me to make sure that I take care of myself in a way that will allow me to live life the way I want to.

Regardless, this is what I need to do to survive. This is what I need to do to make sure I'm here, to keep harassing you all.

It's all good.  It's a good life, and one I'm willing to fight for.

Here we go....


Cameron VSJ said...


I have a quick question about your blog. Could you email me when you get a chance?

October 25, 2012 at 10:01 AM

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