Thursday, October 18, 2012

OCTOBER 18, 2012

Today was a day of mixed emotions.  As I said in my last post, I've been dealing with some things that I'm still working on.  These things have been weighing heavily on my mind as I work through them, and try to make a decision.  I'm not sure how this is all going to play out, but I know it will be fine.  I just know it.  Getting there - well, for me, that's always the journey.  We'll see if, eventually, I can get a stretch of smooth road.  Until then - buckle up.  Mama's got things to do....
This morning, I got news that I've been dreading, but I knew was coming.  Deputy Dan Grover, the gentleman that I met back in NY in June who was also battling stage 4 colon cancer, lost his battle early this morning.  I am just heartbroken for his wife and daughter.  He made sure to fight enough to be there for his wedding anniversary, and for his daughter's first (sigh) birthday.  I know that this was his goal.

My heart aches.

I hate hate hate that we lost another soul, a good man, a wonderful father and husband, to this disease.  I hate that his wife will have to tell Meeha about Dan, rather than their daughter getting to know her Daddy through experience.  It makes me want to fight against this disease that much more.

RIP, Deputy Grover.  We will continue to fight like hell for you, and in your memory.  Do what you have to do up there; we've got it down here.
I had blood drawn today in anticipation of my med-onc appointment tomorrow.  I've been anxious about this.  This is kind of (to me) a test of how I'm going to react to the Xeloda, especially because I've been off of it for two weeks (so I could battle this sinus infection).  I figured that, if I was not on chemo and my immune system was low/battling something else, this would be the time that the cancer would come back.


CEA is at 1.3 - boo-yah!

That's down from 1.5 three weeks ago, and still within range enough that I think we can consider my CEA to be stable.

This was cause for wild celebration on my part, I can tell you that much.  I so needed confirmation that we are on the right path, and I so so so needed this good news today.  I can't tell you how welcome this news is.

I'm much less nervous about tomorrow's med-onc appointment now.  Going in, knowing what I'm up against - yeah.  That helps.

Will update again tomorrow.  For now - let's celebrate, people!  This is GOOD NEWS!!!!


This is good news!
October 18, 2012 at 8:44 PM

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