Monday, October 8, 2012

OCTOBER 8, 2012

Ok - I know it's been a while since a good update.  I have good reason, I promise.

Last week, I worked more hours than I expected, helping my boss out and trying to ease myself back into the hours, knowing that this week, I'd be starting back full-time.  I was also trying to get things done that I knew I wouldn't be able to get done this week, since I was going back to work.

I started Xeloda (someone asked - it's pronounced Ze-loe-da), and was dealing with trying to figure that out.  I've been tolerating it fairly well - as long as I make sure to eat several times each day (small meals, rather than three big meals), I'm able to keep the nausea to a minimum.  Other than that, it's just a matter of keeping my hands and feet moisturized.  So far.

I managed to come down with a sinus infection that kicked the crap out of me on Saturday and landed me in the IM clinic (basically, oncology urgent care) at CTCA on Sunday, and on antibiotics.

Yes, people - when I do it up, I do it right.  Now, if I could just do it without the cancer, I'd be kicking monkey *ss all over the place.  :)

So, I'll start with the illness.  Long story short, I ended up with a sinus infection this weekend.  The thought is that it may have originated as allergies, which kind of set up the perfect storm for an infection.  Levi and I spent a few hours yesterday at CTCA, talking with the PA and waiting on bloodwork.  The good news - my blood counts are all really good.  The bad news?  I am on antibiotics, and off the Xeloda.  They don't want me on both, since the Xeloda knocks my immune system down, and I need to fight off this infection right now.


But, I'm hopeful that I'll start feeling better in the next few days, and I'll be able to go back on chemo next weekend.  This seems to be pretty standard protocol, so I'm not too worried.  A little anxious about being off a new regiment, but I'll make it work.  Can't be on both, and with this infection migrating to my lungs, I need to get this taken care of before it becomes something more serious.

As I said, I start back at work full-time this week.  It's going to be a long week, what with me fighting off this infection and working 40 hours, but I'll make it work.  I'm working from home three days a week, so that should help.  I'm glad to be back, but a little nervous about how I'm going to handle it.  We'll see - I'm just going to have to learn to ask for help from the kids and from Levi, and train them.  :)

I do have some pretty amazing news that came to light last week.  First, I'll be traveling to Chicago at the end of this month...I've been asked to speak, from the patient perspective, at CTCA's big board meeting.  I'm so honored to have been asked, as I understand that only one patient speaks at each meeting.  They have a facility there in Chicago - they want to send me there, to speak?  Yikes!  I'm waiting for some information on flights, etc., but I have an idea of what I want to speak about.  I'm really excited to have this humbled.  It's just amazing.

My even bigger news?  Oh yes - this is definitely the highlight of my, well, month for sure.  Maybe several months?  Yes.  Bigger than Daughtry?  Hmmmm.....maybe.  We'll have to see how it goes....Daughtry was pretty epic.  The bar has been set pretty high...  :)

As you know, my fight song is "
If You're Going Through Hell" by Rodney Atkins.  This song came out when I was fighting this damn disease 4 1/2 years ago, and I'veblogged about it more than once.  It's one of those songs that you hear, it sticks with you, and it becomes a part of your soul.  This song plays when I most need to hear it; I know it sounds hokey and crazy, but I'm telling you, I know I'm on the right path when this song comes on.  It truly is my anthem, and pushes me when I most need it.

Well, since this song was released, I have wanted to meet the singer.  I wanted to have the chance to thank him for singing a song that has such an impact.  I wanted to let him know that his music has pushed someone he doesn't know to be a better person, and to keep fighting when all of the odds seem against them.  I wanted to let him know that, regardless of what happens to me, his song will always and forever be a part of my soul.  I love his music - it just seems to say what I'm feeling at that moment.  His passion for what he does and for his son come through in his music, and that's pretty special.  I don't think he takes his career for granted, and you have to appreciate that.

For the past couple of months, I've been following Rodney on facebook and Twitter.  I've been asking for months when he is returning to Phoenix....I was hoping that I might be able to meet him and finally thank him.  I'm not asking for hours with him - 60 seconds, and I'd be happy.  Just enough to say thanks, snap a picture, and walk away happy.

I have gotten some responses from "him" on Twitter....I know it's not doubt, he has people that cover his fan pages for him.  I was still pretty happy about hearing back from someone representing him.  They've been actively responding to my posts about chemo, etc.  Just before my CT scan a few weeks ago, I tweeted (and cc'd him), saying I was going to keep on moving.  I got a response back - "Praying for a good report for you tomorrow Michelle".  W00t!

So, when I got good news, I tweeted him back, letting him know.  Got a response - "Awesome, Michelle!  That's what I'm talkin' about!"  Cool!  I don't think he knows who I am, but maybe someone that works for him does.

I found out last week that he's coming to town in November.  ACK!  So, I pinged him on Twitter, asking if meet-and-greets were available for purchase, since we needed to celebrate.  I got an almost-immediate response, putting me in touch with Hope.

Now, I didn't know who Hope was, if she knew who I was, etc.  It was a very odd email to write.  Took me a bit to compose it, and make sure it didn't sound pathetic, begging, etc.  I just wanted to find out if m&g tickets would be available for purchase, and how I could get them (and, why I wanted them so badly!).

Sparing you (and Hope) details, I now have 4 meet-and-greet tickets for November 3rd.  I finally, finally, FINALLY get to meet Rodney!  And, I get to now meet Hope, whom I have the utmost respect for and am so glad to consider a "virtual" friend..

Oh.  My.  God.

I am going to cry like a baby when I meet them.  I know it.  I'm already so emotional about this, and once the day gets here, I'm going to be like a little kid.  I'm already giddy with excitement.  I never, ever, in a million years, thought I would get this chance.  It's one of those pipe-dreams that you have, that maybe, in some distant, far-off time, will come true.

Dreams, my friends.....sometimes, they do come true.

Oh - the coolest thing?  Found out that Rodney runs his own Twitter page.  So, those words of encouragement and congrats?  Yeah - they were from him.  *big grin*

Also found out, through a friend back in NY, that she met him in June and asked him to get in touch with me.  And, he knew who I was.  *blink blink*  Um.....he knows who I am?


I know he's just a person, like you and me.  His job is music, and his tour is part of his job.  He has a son about Julia's age, his family, etc.  He's just a normal person.  But, he's "my" guy, who sings "my" song.  (I know I have no claim to him, or the song....let me live in my fantasy world...)  And, I get to thank him.  That's all I want to do.  I don't want to be stalker-y, or crazy fan lady, or anything like that.  I'm just so damn excited to finally thank him for helping me through the past four-and-a-half years, and for giving me my fight back when I needed it.

This is going to be such an un-freaking-believable way to celebrate making it through the past 6 months, and to start out my favorite time of year.  I'm only hoping that my enthusiasm doesn't scare Rodney, or Hope, away.  :)

This concert?  Oh yes - it will be epic.  And, memorable, for all parties.  As long as I can make it through meeting Hope and Rodney without acting like a blubbering fool, I'll be ok.

So, that's been my week.  How was yours?


Tina said...
I am SOOO excited for you! I have tears and goosebumps! I know how much a song can mean to a person, and how it can get you through the toughest days. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about it!!
October 8, 2012 at 4:37 PM
Blogger Mrs. Buv said...
HOLY Excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That IS awesome!!!!! You. Amaze. Me.
October 8, 2012 at 10:40 PM
Blogger Lisa said...

That is awesome!
October 10, 2012 at 7:19 AM

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