Sunday, December 14, 2008

DECEMBER 14, 2008

Well, it's official. I am done with chemo. (For now - hopefully, forever....) What a wonderful feeling it was yesterday to get the pump off for the final time, to get what I hope is my final shot, and to hopefully be free of the pump forever. I hate to say things like forever, b/c I feel like I am going to jinx myself, but here's hoping......

We took Julia to the drs yesterday (at her request) and while they wouldn't allow kids into the chemo room, she was able to see the drs office and the waiting room. She also made friends with a woman waiting for someone, in typical Julia form.

I was pretty tired yesterday - each chemo round has been so individual and different, and this one didn't fail me. This one kicked my butt - mainly exhaustion with a little bit of queasiness thrown in to round out the symptoms. The neuropathy is pretty bad this time, and typing this blog entry actually feels painful, so this one will be short. The side effects from the shot (Neulasta) is also pretty intense this time, mainly resulting in tender, sore bones and muscles all over my body. Not impressed, to say the least.

But, God willing, this will be the final round of chemo, and we will get a clean PET scan in January. Until then, I am going to try to take it easy, try to remember that I am still recovering from the brutal beating that chemo inflicts upon it's recievers, and try to live life as fully as possible.

Here's to a wonderfully healthy, happy, and joyous week.


Amanda: said...
Woohoo! Happy dancing in Michigan!! May this be THE END of all the yucky treatment!
December 15, 2008 at 11:37 AM

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