Monday, December 1, 2008

DECEMBER 1, 2008

Well, the drs appt went well this afternoon. I am pleased with how it turned out, even though I have to repeat a cycle of chemo. But, that's it - after that, I am done (assuming all goes well from here on out, of course) and I am officially in remission! I am SO HAPPY about that!

So, quick week's chemo is Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I got the release to return to work full-time, which is amazing! I got the clearance to go to the dentist (which I was supposed to do in the fall, but didn't because of concerns about infection setting in if the dentist cut something open....ick), clearance to travel internationally (so Jimmy and Tom - here I come!!!), clearance to get a tattoo (woo!!!), and a plan of action for "after". 

I had to reschedule my PET scan from Dec 29th to Jan 19th. Basically, this is b/c I will still have to have my Neulasta shot after this last round of chemo. If we get the scan done too soon, the marrow in my body will be so activated that it could show as a false positive (meaning there is cancer showing up), and that isn't something we want to have happen. So, I have my PET scheduled for the afternoon of the 19th, and I have a follow-up with Dr. O on the 22nd in the afternoon to get the results from the blood work and the PET scan. Whew. 

After that, it's blood work every 3 months, PET scan every three to six months, depending on how my blood work looks, and then another colonoscopy in (I think) May. That will all seem like a cake walk compared to the last 6 months.

Dad and Levi were at the appointment with me, and we are all relieved that this went so well. Dr. O is completely optimistic (her words) about the prognosis, and feels that this is working as well as it should. 

Thank goodness for modern medicine....


Amanda: said...
Woohoo for you!!!
December 2, 2008 at 10:11 AM
Blogger bflikke said...
I am so glad to hear that you are doing so good. That is great!!!
December 3, 2008 at 5:21 PM

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