Saturday, November 29, 2008

NOVEMBER 29, 2008

Holy cow - another Thanksgiving come and gone. It was a quiet one here in Surprise, mainly b/c I had just finished a round of chemo the day before, and I really couldn't muster much energy for anything but sleeping! The day was nice and quiet, and Mom made a wonderful feast for us. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pies - all the fixins. I was up, then had to take a nap, and pretty much rested the day away. Kind of a bummer, as I like to be more of an active participant, but I tried to ignore the guilt that riddled my brain that day. Hmph.

And then, on Friday, we insanely got up at 3:30 to brave the hoards at Wal-Mart to pick up the gifts for the kids. With money being so tight this year, Mom and Dad are helping us out, and we scoured the ads on Thursday looking for the best deals. It was worth it, financially, but holy cow - people are NUTS on Black Friday. Did you hear about the shooting in LA at the Toys 'R Us, or the Wal-Mart worker in Long Island that was trampled to death? Really, is anything worth that?!?! Me thinks not.

But, in all honesty, we did go, we did partake in the chaos and madness, and our shopping is done. We also hit JC Penneys, Target and Michaels, then came home. And, I crashed in the bed. It was more exhausting than I could have imagined, and with my neuropathy in my feet, walking became such a chore. I was done long before we were actually done - I got to the point where people would speak, and my brain couldn't, wouldn't register what they were saying. It was scary, since I was driving. Thank goodness a nap took care of most of that. LOL!

Today, we are taking the kids to the annual Festival of Lights parade in Tempe, AZ (home to Arizona State University). We have done this every year since we moved here, and while it's a hike to get there, it's well worth it. The kids love it, we love it, and Mom and Dad haven't been yet, so this will be fun. We are heading out this afternoon, and it will be a blast. I have an errand to run, then I am coming home to rest up for tonight.

Levi and Dad put up the Christmas lights on the house - I will post pictures later this week, once we get the rest of the stuff put up! Tomorrow, we are hoping to put up the tree and the house decorations - I love Christmas. We have already watched Miracle on 34th Street, the Grinch, and Rudolph. This is my favorite time of year, and while I can't participate as much as I normally do, I am grateful to be here to be able to take part in the festivities.


Amanda: said...
Hahaha - check out my blog - we LEFT at 3:30am on Friday for shopping! We hit Kohls, Meijer, Target, Walgreens and Home Depot. It was a long day - I was SO tired - I laid on the couch for the rest of the day because I couldn't take a nap, LOL.

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! Hope this week is a quiet one :)
November 29, 2008 at 6:20 PM
Blogger Linda said...

It's Tom Harper's Mom here and I just wanted you to know that you are being cheered on from Monrovia, CA., just outside of Pasadena. You WILL you have a wonderful family and that type of support, as you already know is the best kind.

Thinking of you and wishing you and your family a Holiday of Miracles and Blessings.

Linda Harper
November 30, 2008 at 6:39 PM

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