Sunday, November 16, 2008

NOVEMBER 16, 2008

Wow - I wish I had taken more pictures, or gotten video, or been able to somehow share with you all the amazing walk/run from yesterday. It was spectacular. 

First, I have to start by saying that my mom and my wonderful friend, Amie, pulled it off. Amie lives in TN, and she and I have been friends for years....I haven't seen her in almost ten years, and we keep saying that we need to get together. Well, she and my mom worked together, and Amie flew in late Friday night, and surprised me yesterday morning. It was such an amazing surprise....Amie, thank you SO MUCH for making the trip. It made the walk all the more special. 

Saturday morning, we all got up way before the sunrise (and got the surprise from Amie - even Levi didn't know she was here...) and got ready. Breakfast, kids, supplies, etc. Mom had spent all day Friday making up team tee shirts - pictures are below. They are royal blue, of course, which is the color for the colon cancer ribbon, and on the front have a heart design saying (what else) MICHELLE WILL WIN!!! She also put the blue ribbon on the front of the shirts. The back of the shirt had my information: Diagnosed May 23, 2008. Stage 3 Colon Cancer. 32 years old. Surgery and Chemo. And then my website information. And, above that, to indicate who each person was, Mom put either "My Daughter" or "My Mother" or "My Wife" or "My Friend". They came out amazing! 

So, we are all dressed, and head out to the walk, which was a 45 minute drive away. Not a problem, until we hit road debris on the freeway, causing us to have to pull over to check for damage. Not fun - we were very lucky in that the only major damage was to Levi's truck, and in that, only the grill was damaged. Another bill we can't pay, but what else is new???

We get back on the road and head to the park, and you wouldn't believe the people there. It was jam packed, and it wasn't even race time yet. We got parked, decorated the wagon and wheelchair, and got over to the tents to get our packets. Well, the lines for both the pre-registered participants and the "need-to-register" people were SO long they ended up delaying the start of the race. AWESOME!!!! We waited in line, and saw so many people while we were there....and, we started to get a feel for the "outfits" people were wearing. Again, picture below. 

Once we got to the registration tent, I got to pick up mom's and my packets, and my tee shirt and boxers, which proudly proclaim that I am a survivor, right across the butt!!! I met a couple more people while I was getting those things, and that was awesome, since I wanted to find them and had no idea how I was going to. LOL! The turnout was unbelievable. 

Once we got our stuff, we kind of tried to head to the starting line, and ended up getting a good view of the platform from which they did the opening announcements, allowed my surgeon Dr McConnell and my wonderful friend Betty Rose DeCarlo to speak, and then had a (and I am NOT kidding you!!!) guy in a speedo and a short shirt (think 80s) sing the National Anthem. It was priceless...

Then, the walkers started, off we went. It was such a beautiful day, and I met more people along the wy, including Kim who was also recently diagnosed with Colon Cancer (shout out, girl!!!). I also saw Jim, a gentleman I met from The Wellness Community, and his wife Lorna, along with countless others along the way. Once we got back to the starting/finish line, we were able to get out and look at some of the other tents, to meet with some other people, and to cheer on the other participants as they came through the finish line. 

Overall, the race was a huge success. On Friday, they only had 750 people registered - yesterday, they had over 1200!!! And, supposedly (I hope this is true) we had more people participate in this walk/run than both the Dallas and Philly races COMBINED!!!!

So, as requested, below are some pictures. I am so sorry that there aren't more. It was a crazy day, and I was so entrenched in what was happening that I just forgot that I had the camera there. It was an emotional day, taking part as a cancer patient rather than just supporting the cause, and honestly, I can't wait for next year's race. I can't wait to be able to walk through the race and through the memorial garden as a survivor, and to walk through it of my own accord. Remember - I will be asking for your help again next year. Start planning - I want to come in there with a huge team, a huge donation, and a wonderful message of survival and hope. 

Here's a picture of my team (minus my Dad and brothers....). Left to right - there's Kevin, my mom, Amie, Julia, me and Levi.

Okay, so the race is called the Undy 5000 for a reason - we are trying to raise awareness of colon cancer, and what covers your butt? Your undies. The people in charge of the race advertise that people should plan to race in their undies, and several people took this to heart, including this team here. I had to laugh, too - as they were coming across the finish line, Julia would cover her eyes and say "I didn't just see that..." LOL!
Julia showing off her shirt - isn't she gorgeous?!?!

The back of the tee shirts...

And, the team banner that the Undy provided us with. Obviously, I kept mine.


jnwhiteh said...
Wow guys you really outdid yourselves. I'm so glad the event was able to raise so much awareness. I miss you guys all so much!
November 16, 2008 at 4:12 PM
Blogger Amy Largenton said...
wow tshirts came out great glad everything went well
November 16, 2008 at 6:11 PM
I was thinking about you all day Saturday. What an awesome day it looked like - I just wish we could've been there. Mmm... we keep talking about a roadtrip - maybe we can ALL plan on walking next year!??!?! Or maybe we could even meet at a different city's walk! Oh, the options! :) I'm so glad it went well - the team gear looked amazing! :)
November 17, 2008 at 7:51 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
How fun! That's how I feel about the Relay for Life. It's hard, but it feels SO GOOD to be out there "making a difference"!! For us, each year our special event (the Relay) is better and better than the last :) Especially the farther out we get from the EVIL CANCER.

I'm so glad you were able to be a part of something like that!
November 17, 2008 at 10:07 AM

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