Saturday, November 8, 2008

NOVEMBER 8, 2008

This coming Saturday is the Phoenix Undy 5000 walk/run at the Kiwanis Park in Tempe, at the corner of Mill Ave and Baseline Road. (Ironically, this is literally kiddy-korner from our first apartment in AZ.....) Race start time is 8am. Please plan to be there by 7:30, if you haven't already registered. Word has it that there are over 800 people registered for this race already, and many more are expected. If you are planning to walk with us, please go to my team webpage and register today.

If you aren't local or can't be here with us on that day, please click on the link to the right titled "Support My Team Here - Michelle Will Win!!!" This will take you to my personal webpage for the race, and you can make a donation through that website. I know times are tough, and believe me, I understand completely about not having extra money. But, please consider donating $1. $5. $10. Every red cent we can get will get us that much closer to getting the word out to everyone, and to finding a cure for this horrible disease.

To those of you that have already donated, you are my angels, and no words can describe my gratitude for your support.

Think back to last month. While you were out at Target/Wal-Mart/any store, did you see anything pink? Last month was Breast Cancer Awareness month. Did you make the choice to purchase something pink to support that cause? Did you make a donation, or take part in a walk/run?

Colon Cancer Awareness month isn't until March, but I implore you - PLEASE think blue this month. Royal blue is the ribbon color for colon cancer, and I proudly wear my blue colon cancer bracelet and my yellow "LiveStrong" bracelet every day. This cause means so much to me, and your support would mean the world to me, and to my family. Please consider whatever you spent on "pink" last month, and match it this month. Was it a small bag of pink M&Ms? Then donate $2 to the CCA. Did you buy a pink ribbon? There's another $1. It adds up, and quickly.

I am already over my fundraising goal, and it would be a true inspiration to be able to say that I not only met my goal, but I blew it out of the water. I can't do that without you, just as I can't fight this disease without you. PLEASE consider donating anything you can to my cause.

And, I will make you all proud. In spite of having chemo next week, I will be participating in this race, even though it means we will all have to be out of the house by 6:30 on Saturday morning. Since I will be taking part in a wheelchair, I hope to have lots of pictures to post on the blog next weekend.

Thank you in advance for your support. It means more to me than you could ever understand.
Amanda: said...
GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! You guys are gonna be great at the fundraiser! Can't wait to see pics!
November 14, 2008 at 8:18 AM

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