Wednesday, November 19, 2008

NOVEMBER 19, 2008

I have to take a moment to update you - I feel so GOOD this week! Even though Levi still doesn't have a job, and we are still searching diligently for ANYTHING.....

Physically and mentally, I feel really good. I think the physical has SO MUCH to do with my mental right now. Last week's chemo was rough, but not nearly as bad as the time before. And, while I can FINALLY drink cold things, and while the painful neuropathy is gone, I still have the numbness in my feet and hands occasionally, usually when they are cold. Odd, eh? I have found ways to control it, mostly, but every now and then, I will be walking around and boom - I can't feel my feet/hands. It almost feels like they are really swollen, and the feelings that I do have are dulled by the swollen-ness, even though they aren't swollen. Got all that?!?!

The nausea eased by Sunday, so by Monday I was really feeling good. I had trouble sleeping last night, but the past several nights in a row, I have slept through, so that's a plus, as well. Mom and Dad are both gone this week, so it's up to Levi and I to parent the kids ourselves (LOL), and while I was nervous about being able to handle working, making dinner, baths, etc., it has all gone quite well. It's just wonderful to feel so normal again.

And, I am looking forward to next week being (with luck) the last week of chemo. It's unreal to me that I might be able to go back to work full-time in two weeks, and that I might be able to start to recover from the pesky side effects that I have. I know that they are going to linger, and I know that there are going to be others that pop up while my body recovers, I am still so optimistic about knowing that the end is finally here. I think I have mentioned this before - my PET scan is scheduled for Dec 29, which is Levi's and my 7th anniversary. I am so excited about this PET scan - I have such high hopes. I try not to, and I try to be realistic, but honestly, this PET scan is going to be a huge milestone for me. It feels, at the same time, like it's been forever and that it was yesterday that I was first diagnosed. I can't believe that I have made it through 11 rounds of chemotherapy. I can't believe that I have made it this far in this journey, and that I might finally reach the point of being able to say I am a survivor, and that I am in remission.

I think remission might be the most beautiful word in the English language right now. LOL!

So, all is well here in Phoenix. Mom is in Boston, and Dad is in Syracuse. He called today to tell me that there was snow on the ground, and the high on Friday is going to be in the 20s. It was very difficult to hold back the smirking laughter. I managed - barely. This is why I love living in Arizona.

Oh, and another mental perk for me (and, please, hold back your groans) I found a local radio station that is already playing Christmas music. Are you kidding me? So, on today's ride home, I am in my car, all four windows down, blaring Christmas music. Sometimes, it's good to be me! :-)


Amanda: said...
I have ABSOLUTELY been listening to Christmas music since they started playing it on Halloween Day here!!!!!!! It makes me happy, my kids love it, and it gets me in the "Christmas Spirit", so I'm ok with listening to it for almost 8 weeks straight!!!

Plus, thanks to Lake Michigan, we have snow here right now. And it's going to be a balmy 32 degrees today and it MIGHT barely make 30 degrees tomorrow, LOL.

I'm so glad your spirits are high - that is awesome to hear!! Almost done! And yeah - remission is pretty awesome!!!
November 20, 2008 at 6:55 AM
Blogger Simply Exquisite said...
I love Christmas music and the funny thing is I have only heard it once at the grocery store, but where is it on the radio...hmmm? It was good talking to you sweetie! I hope to talk to you more soon since I caught ya at a bad time. Go have yourself a McDonald's chocolate milkshake...that is a good cold drink :). Last night it got down to 17 degrees and today should be pretty cold. I like it though. Glad to know the end of the tunnel is almost here and like your other friend can say you did win and beat this disease..Michelle will win :). Love ya!
November 22, 2008 at 6:52 AM
Be very glad that you live in Arizona.. last night the temp was only 21! Freezing!!!
One last round... you go!
Love ya : P
November 22, 2008 at 9:38 AM

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