Friday, November 14, 2008

NOVEMBER 14, 2008

Finished Round 11 yesterday. It was better than round 10, mainly b/c they discontinued that O drug, which made me so sick to my stomach and gave me the awful neuropathy and cold sensitivity.

This round started out easily enough - the nausea wasn't too bad- I suppose I would say it was more like a queasiness more than anything. I was still pretty tired, especially once the 5FU (pump drug) started really hitting the system. So, I have slept quite a bit, especially yesterday. I got my Neulasta shot (to boost my white blood cell count) yesterday, and today I feel like I was hit by a truck, but that's all pretty normal. And, with these drugs building up in my system, I imagine that I won't feel great for a while. Fun.

Last night, I was exhausted, even after two naps yesterday, so I took an Ativan (the magic drug), fell asleep, and pretty much slept through the night, with the exception of the half-hour that it took for our kitten to get comfy on me at 3am. Woke up this morning feeling pretty good, but I am still tired, so I know that I need to take it easy today, especially with the plans I have for tomorrow with the Undy 5000. So, the recovery will be easier this round, though I know that I still need to take it easy.

Regarding the Undy 5000 tomorrow, we are going to have to be out of the house by 6:30. Not fun. But, the walk starts at 8:00, and we need to park, get breakfast, get the kids ready, etc. It will be an early day, but that's all right- it's for such a good cause.

I think that's about it. I am trying not to focus on the fact that the next round of chemo might be my last - I am really working to keep a realistic attitude, but in all honesty, I am happy about seeing the end be SO CLOSE. The thought of being able to celebrate the end of chemo, of being able to spend a month where I don't need to schedule life around chemo - well, it's an amazing hope.

Think of us tomorrow - 8am. Undy 5000. Kiwanis Park in Tempe. And, I will post pictures when I am awake again....LOL!


way to go, Michelle!
We will be thinking of you tomorrow!
Love ya!
November 14, 2008 at 9:57 AM

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