Wednesday, November 26, 2008

NOVEMBER 26, 2008

Well, I made it through another round. Whew! Just got the pump off and got my shot, and I am feeling a little run down and sore (the shot makes my entire body ache) but other than that, I am glad to have another round under my belt. Monday is kind of D-Day, and will determine a) if I need to have one more round, b) what affect that have on my PET scan in December, and c) if I can return to work full-time. Lots riding on that appointment, me thinks.

Just thought I would let you all know that this round is done, and it gives me one more thing to be thankful for tomorrow.

Plans for tomorrow - well, Mom is making pies today - I have a bunch of things to do, but I am hoping to help her soon. Tomorrow, I want to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, we have a new movie to watch after dinner.....I think that's about it. Mom and I are going to start scouring the Black Friday ads - Julia has completely grown out of her winter clothes, and I need to take a bunch of things into the consignment shop today to try to replenish her closet. Both kids have grown so much that their clothes don't fit - argh! And, Levi is still out of work, so that doesn't help.

Very frustrating, but we still have so much to be thankful for.


Hey You!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Can you email me their sizes? There have been some great sales here!
Check out for the rundown on Black Friday ads... let me know if you want me to watch for anything here, we usually have great luck picking stuff up.
Love to you and the family!
November 26, 2008 at 11:18 AM

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