Wednesday, December 31, 2008

DECEMBER 31, 2008

Well, I was pretty bummed earlier, because I didn't think I would be able to stay awake to see the ball drop (for those of you not up with the times, that would be the BALL in New York City!!!). They usually delay the entire show for two hours, so that the ball "drops" at midnight here, which is a crock of sh*t, if you ask me. The damn ball drops at midnight Eastern time - show the ball drop then. (Can you tell this is a bone of contention with me?!?!? Has been since I moved to MN.)

Anyways, I was up at ten, and Levi switched the channel on the tv to a station that had the news on, and showed the last 35 seconds of 2008 in NY, which meant that I was able to see the ball drop. So, in my little world, it's already 2009, b/c the ball has already dropped.

So, to all of you, HAPPY NEW YEAR! And, f*ck the cancer. I beat it in 2008, I made it through surgery and chemo, and I am going into 2009 as a cancer survivor. There...I said it. Ha!

Really, Happy New Year. I am hoping that 2009 is going to be a healthier and happier year for us. We are already researching ways to eat better, and I am going to contact a neighbor this week to talk about using her as a personal trainer for the family. So, here's to a year of happy news, wonderful family additions, changes for the better, and overall, a year of growth and happiness.

Love to you all!

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