Saturday, January 3, 2009

JANUARY 3, 2009

I have been so busy this week that I forgot to update the blog, so here goes.

We didn't do much this week.

Just kidding!!! We didn't, though. Mostly, the week was spent getting Mom and Dad ready for their new house. They found a house they like and are pursuing it, but nothing is finalized yet. The kids and Levi and I spent time together this week, playing the games they got from Santa and just enjoying each other's company. Levi has been studying like a madman, and I spent more time than I like to remember sleeping. But, it's all good. It was a wonderful week, but I think we are all looking forward to getting 2009 underway. OH-Levi and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary on Monday. We went out to dinner and had a great time. It was so much fun, and just unbelievable that it's been 7 years. Yikes.

As I posted before, I was able to watch the ball drop in NYC on New Year's Eve, which is a tradition for me personally, being a New Yorker by birth and at heart.

Tonight, we are having a big family dinner before Mom and Dad head back to Syracuse and the frigid temps. They will be there for about two weeks, and then Dad heads back to the warm temps while Mom has to brave another week of cold temps in Chicago. Yuk. They spoke to my brother Greg the other day, and it was 0. That means 0 degrees, without the windchill. I am SO GLAD that I live in AZ.

What else? Right now, I am still in limbo about the PET scan. Just waiting for the day. I am trying not to be anxious, but it's all going to work out the way it's supposed to, so knowing that helps. I am really happy for 2008 to be over. While I know bad things are going to happen (and, they's inevitable) we have so many things to be thankful for this year that it just makes the year seem so much brighter.

I think that's about it for now. My fingers are getting tired from typing (damn this neuropathy) and dinner is just about ready. Side effect update: I am grateful that I don't get as tired as quickly as I did, though I have to say that I still get tired. The neuropathy right now is the biggest issue - my fingers are getting worse and worse, and my feet are the same. It's worse when I have been on them for a while, like when I go on walks. Levi and I have started changing our lifestyle (eating healthier and more excercise), but it's hard to continue the walks when my feet hurt. So, I do the walks as soon as I can, to avoid the pain. I am hoping that this will help overall in my recovery and in giving my body the tools it needs to fight off the damn cancer.

So, there you go. Dinner is ready, and I'm hungry. Later!
Sharon R. said...
Hi! Happy Belated Anniv! I'm sorry I missed it - too much going on and being on maternity leave means I'm lucky if I remember what DAY it is :) Anyway, it's amazing how 7 years flies by - it was like we were just at the wedding!! And Mom/Dad are buying a house?!? Man, we need to catch up! I bet it will be nice to not all be under one cramped roof anymore though!
January 6, 2009 at 7:42 AM

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