Tuesday, January 6, 2009

JANUARY 6, 2009

All right people, here it is. I'm puttin' it out there. You know I have talked about changing our eating habits after this was all done. We decided to get started, and officially began our new lifestyle on Sunday. We weighed in, looked at our eating habits, and started to make some changes. 

So, I thought I would blog about my reasons for doing this. I have been doing a lot of research and reading, and I realized that I need to make changes if I want to provide my body with the tools it is going to need to fight off this cancer. Cancer is always in your body - you have it, I have it. Everyone has rogue cancer cells in their body. The key is providing your body with the tools and strength it needs to fight off those damn cells. 

I need to do this for my kids, my husband, my parents, and my brothers. I need to do this for my entire family, both immediate and extended. I need to do this for my unborn niece or nephew. I need to do this, most importantly, for ME!!! Because when push comes to shove, if I can't make this commitment for myself, I can't do it for anyone else. 

We have made changes to our diet. I am starting out with the Weight Watchers program, on which my dad lost over 100 pounds. Levi and I are doing this together. It's so much easier when you have someone to be accountable to. 

I will be incorporating these changes with other modifications. I need to look into more immune-boosting foods (Dr M recommended that I look at HIV/AIDS websites, since they need to boost their immunity for their survival). I am also researching cancer-fighting foods, like fresh veggies and fruits, cutting out meats, etc. We are trying to find a good balance between everything, and it will surely take a while but be worth it.

There you go. It's going to be a struggle, but hell - I just beat cancer. Bring it on. 

My goal - 30 pounds gone by May 1st. Wanna make a bet that I can do it?!?! :-)


Carol Urban said...
Hi! Carol Urban here. I'm a colon cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in Sept 07 and was told that I'm cancer free in Aug 08. I'm glad I found your blog! You hear so much about breast cancer awareness and fundraising which is wonderful but I often felt left out because my type of cancer wasn't talked about. I've become a walking advertisement for colon cancer awareness and encourage everyone I meet to get a colonoscopy. My family has been so supportive throughout my surgeries and treatment. I never let cancer get me down and plan to live life to the fullest.
January 8, 2009 at 4:35 PM

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