Wednesday, January 28, 2009

JANUARY 28, 2009

My grandmother passed away today. It's really a blessing, because she hasn't been well for SO long. But, it's still hard. This past week has been crazy, and the next week isn't looking any better. I know that she is finally in a place where she has no pain and no problems.

I am heading back to NY tomorrow. It's really last minute, but I need to do it. And, I need to be there for my family. So, 6am tomorrow morning, we start our 3-leg trip to NY - here to Denver, then to Chicago, then to Syracuse. Fun.

This past week has been insanely busy. We got Mom and Dad moved into their new house, spent time getting our house back to "normal", and just spending time with the kids. I was supposed to have an appointment tomorrow to have my port taken out, but we delayed that for obvious reasons. I have it now scheduled for 2/13 (yes, it's Friday the 13th...). I think we should be back here by then. Well, I know I will be. Dad and Mom come back a week from Saturday, so it should all work out.

What else? There seems to be so much to tell you, thoughts that are going through my head, things I am thinking about, both cancer-related and not. But, I need to spend time with my kids, get them ready for bed, spend time with Levi, finish packing, make sure things are done around here, and get some sleep (ha ha!) to make sure that I am ready for tomorrow.

What a week......I will try to post more while I am in NY, but I can't guarantee anything. If I don't post between now and then, please keep my family in your thoughts, esp my parents. This is really tough on them, and they are going to need all the help they can get.


Natalie said...
Will pray for you and your family. Its a tough fight and make sure you are prepared for the much long journey ahead.
All the best.
visit this good site for health seekers.
January 28, 2009 at 11:21 PM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
So sorry to read about your Grandmother's passing. Be safe on your trip.

I have been thinking about you over the last week and wondered how you were doing. It's a LOT to get over, emotionally and psychologically, from being a cancer patient to being a cancer survivor. We can do it.

My port removal surgery went well but I developed an allergy to the steri-strips and peeled them off after two days. I developed blistering and the itching was driving me nuts.

It's a week post surgery and the incision and surrounding area don't look that bad now. I keep feeling the spot thinking the port is still there but it's not! :)
January 29, 2009 at 9:39 AM

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