Friday, May 10, 2013

MAY 10, 2013

Well, today was long and tiring.  But, apparently, well worth it.

My tests were quick, especially because they were able to have me drink the CT prep while I was getting ready for the MRI.  It made things go much quicker.

Anyways, after I got lunch (thanks, Dad!) and a quick nap at home, I got the phone call from Kia, my PA.  The MRI is normal and shows no spinal stenosis, no bulging discs, no herniated discs.  This is all good, but it still lends the question as to what the heck is causing my back pain.  I think I'm going to need to revisit the potential spinal block.

And, the CT scan showed everything as stable.  There are no new tumors that popped up, and there was minimal growth in the lungs, which they aren't worried about, because there are no new ones popping up.  Additionally, there was some shrinkage in the lymph node in my hip area (down to 8mm from 11mm), and the periaortic lymph nodes are stable, which means we will likely continue with the radiation next week.

All in all, good news!  Thanks for the good wishes!


May 10, 2013 at 8:17 PM
Blogger Lesley said...

I follow your blog avidly. So glad to hear the good news!
May 11, 2013 at 10:16 AM

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