Thursday, May 23, 2013

MAY 23, 2013

5 years ago, I went into the colonoscopy room, thinking that the worst thing they would find would be a hemmerhoid.

5 years ago, I had no idea what a PET scan.  I didn't know what CEA meant.  I was not aware of the vast underfunding for cancer research, that the awareness of colon cancer was so fear-filled and sporadic, and that I would soon become a staunch, vocal advocate for awareness, prevention, and early detection.

5 years ago, my children were 6 and almost-2.  5 years ago, yesterday, my daughter graduated from kindergarten.  5 years ago next Friday, my son turned 2.

5 years ago, next week, I had surgery that changed the course of my life.

5 years ago, I had no idea how strong I could be when push came to shove.  I had no idea what battles I would face, what challenges I would overcome, and what kind of amazing people I would soon meet.

5 years ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer.

I can't wait to see what the next 5 years (and 5 decades) will bring.
Today starts, we hope, another round of chemotherapy.  We are in for yet another long, arduous battle against this unseen enemy.  It seems mildly ironic that I'm supposed to start chemo today.  Not so long ago, I  looked forward to May 23, 2013.  It would have marked 5 years since diagnosis, and me almost, almost reaching that amazing goal of "cured".

It seems like such a lost dream now.  There is no cure for me.  Stage 4 colon cancer patients, those of us that live past our statistical expiration date, tend to deal with our cancer like other people deal with diabetes or heart disease - it becomes a long-term, maintainable disease.

Here's hoping for many, many, MANY years of maintenance.


Thandi said...
And may it be many many years of maintenance that doesn't leave you feeling terrible every day! Many years of smiles and laughter and loving on those precious children.
May 23, 2013 at 10:19 PM
Blogger Green Monkey said...
Hi Michelle,
First... this is NOT spam. Do you get a lot of spam? I sure do. I wanted to say hi. I'm just meeting you because I'm newly diagnosed with rectal cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011,, finished my last surgery on April 23, and then May 20th was my new diagnosis. I really want to live but I am fighting the idea of chemo and radiation. My breast cancer was found early and I didnt need it. anyway.... I am so glad you are out there. I wish you well and I hope to find comfort from your courage and dignity. Best, Shannon aka Monkey
June 5, 2013 at 5:36 AM

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