Sunday, May 5, 2013

MAY 5, 2013

Well, I saw both my med-onc and my rad-onc this week.  There is a small change in plans.  I didn't think we were going to do a CT scan until after this was all done.  Dr. Chong told me this past Friday that while he plans to proceed with the second phase of radiation, he wants to do a CT scan this week, just to see what's going on inside of this crazy body of mine.

This is a double-edged sward for me.  It's good that I get another week (maybe a bit more) of rest and will (hopefully) continue to get better.  It also means that I'm now fighting off scanxiety.


So, I'm trying to focus on (and not panic about) the fact that I return to work tomorrow.  It's part-time, and mostly from home, but still....I'm just hoping that I do okay.  I don't know why I'm nervous - Levi thinks I'm crazy.  He keeps reminding me that I've been doing this job for over 5 years.  It's just hard thinking about returning to work, after being through so much.  I'm trying to just remember to take care of me, and to not overdo it.

But, I desperately need to get back to doing something that has nothing whatsoever with cancer.  So, it's with excitement and anxiety and fear and hope that I go back tomorrow.

I will say that I am feeling better and better.  My body seems to be better handling a wider variety of foods (yeah!), and I'm feeling stronger and more aware each day.

Here's to a week filled with hope, good (amazing?) scans, and a fabulously easy and fun week back at work!


Thandi said...
Hear hear!
May 5, 2013 at 11:44 PM
Blogger Lesley said...

Good luck with the scan!
May 6, 2013 at 11:50 AM

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