Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MAY 29, 2013

Well, after I posted on Friday, I took a pretty hard turn for the worse.  Saturday, I didn't get up.  I mean, I literally didn't get up out of bed.  I think I got up twice to use the restroom.  I was up for about 15 minutes in the morning to get breakfast (which I ended up not eating), and that was it.  I didn't eat.  I didn't drink.  I literally didn't move.

I couldn't.  I hadn't given my body what it needs to recover, and it couldn't.  Finally on Sunday, after getting a little food/drink into me, I asked Levi to take me up to CTCA for IV hydration.  And, it helped.  Not a lot, but anything at that point was an improvement.  Did the same thing on Monday, and yesterday, I was able to take care of myself and the kids.


Today is even better, as I'm learning that my body needs immediate fueling every few hours, and it requires fluids to function.   I've found a drink that I can tolerate (actually like?) warm-ish, and that helps.  It has plenty of electrolytes and vitamins to boost my body up, and I see a difference almost immediately.

I'm still weak-ish, and when I get going and try to do too much, my body is quick to remind me that I can't.  So, I'm (once again) learning to listen to my body.  My head and my heart, however, aren't as agreeing, as they both think that there is just too damn much to do.  So, it's a constant struggle, but I'm trying to be patient with myself.

So, there you go.  This round was tough, but I made it through, and I still have two more weeks to recover before the next one.  I'm using that to my advantage, and trying to a) get things done, and b) rest.  Not necessarily in that order.  :)

The kids are off of school now, so they are home with me.  That helps, honestly, because they are both old enough to start taking care of themselves.  It makes me sad to think that they are growing up, but they are becoming such amazing people that you can't help but love watching the process.

Tomorrow is Kevin's birthday.  Through the graciousness and generosity of some amazing people (you all know who you are), we are going to be able to give the kids an amazing birthday.  I say kids, because Julia didn't get much from us at all.  She is still pretty bummed about it, so it will be fun to surprise her tomorrow.

I'm off to nuke yet another bottle of water and drink it down.  Hey - it's working, and I'll take it!


 Joan Bardee said...
yeah for slowly feeling better and the party!
May 29, 2013 at 12:41 PM

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