Friday, May 24, 2013

MAY 24, 2013

Well, the pain was worth it.  My WBC was well up to within the normal (like, normal people, no cancer normal) range, and I was able to move forward with chemo yesterday.  Kind of a mixed blessing, if you know what I mean.  I didn't want to get chemo, but I also (more?) didn't want to get another booster shot.  So, it was like, chemo is the lesser of the two evils.  And, it means we are actively fighting this flipping cancer.  That's something, I suppose.

Yesterday was a long day, but I'm feeling okay today.  Mom, Dad and I headed up to infusion, and they started the pre-mneds.  That wasn't too bad.  Once they started the Oxalipantin, thought - yeah.  The nausea kicked in.  After making a call to my docs, they gave me a shot of Ativan (the nectar of the anti-nausea gods), and put me on a patch of Sancuso, which is the only anti-nausea patch that I know of.  So far, so good.

I was tired last night, but hungry, which is a good sign.  I woke up this morning, and was tired, but luckily the kids are fairly self-sufficient and can get ready for school mostly by themselves.  I took a quick nap this morning, and am feeling good right now.  Well, good is relative, I suppose.  I feel good for one day post-chemo.  :)

I noticed the cold sensitivity right away.  I can't eat or drink anything cold - honestly, even room temperature drinks seem to be too cold.  So, my current drink of choice is hot tea or chai latte.  Not exactly the best for you, but it's getting fluids into me, so that's super important.

I'm noticing some small tingles in my hands and feet, but nothing I can't handle right now.  I don't know if they are from cold or from neuropathy.  We'll see how things progress.  When I touch cold things (like, say, a carton of milk from the fridge)....oh yeah.  Sharp, stabbing pains.  When I walk on the cold almost feels like I am walking on needles, or like my feet have been asleep.

I'm justifying these things by saying that, if I'm feeling those, the chemo must be working.  For now...I'll take it.  I'm glad that the IV chemo is only once every three weeks.  I took my Xeloda last night and again this morning, and will be for the next 13 days.  If this is what I have to do to kill off this cancer, or at least, reign it back in....I will.

I'm sure this post doesn't make much sense - we'll blame it on chemo-brain.  Today is the kids' last day of school (hard to imagine), and I'm hoping to get my shower and still have enough energy to take them to lunch as a treat.  Then, I'm going in for hydration this afternoon, which will undoubtedly help.

Meantime, wishing you all a wonderful Friday, and a good start to the holiday weekend.  Don't forget the true reason for the holiday, and take some time to remember and thank service members for what they've done.


God bless, Michelle. I've been thinking of you for the past few days and wondering how the first day of Oxaliplatin treated you. Glad it wasn't horrible like Erbitux. I remember reading what you were going through on that and it was a nightmare for you. Praying, praying and praying. Have a great weekend with your family.
May 24, 2013 at 4:53 PM
Blogger Martha Molen said...

Tingling and sharp pains. Oh yeah that is the drip. I used hot pads to touch cold things. Ironic? You can do it! I am inspired by your blog and your determination. Found you a year ago when I was diagnosed. Keep it up! As you know it is worth it! :)
May 25, 2013 at 5:14 PM

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