Thursday, May 9, 2013

MAY 9, 2013

So, tomorrow brings with it no food or drink after I go to bed tonight, an IV (blech), an MRI where I will get knocked out, a CT scan where I have to drink the contrast and have it IV'd into me....


I'm having the CT scan, ordered by Dr. Chong, my rad onc.  I scheduled the MRI tomorrow (to try to figure out why I'm still having back pain) for the same time, trying to get it all done in one shot, since I'll need a driver/caregiver for both scans.  In hindsight, though, this may not have been the smartest plan I've ever had.

This is especially true because my body has decided that it will no longer accept any dairy, and will promptly and completely reject if, if I'm stupid enough to ingest it.  So, I've been super, ridiculously, obscenely tired today, since I had some ice cream last night.

*another sigh*

I will have a phone call from Dr. Kundranda's PA, Kia, tomorrow with the results of my CT and MRI, especially if something shows up.

So, yes....scanxiety is definitely rearing it's ugly head.  I'm anxious that they may find something.  I'm anxious that some rogue cancer will have decided to find a new place to tumorize (is that a word?), and this will change our gameplan.  That is, right now, my biggest fear.

Given that, it's probably best that I will be knocked out/in recovery for most of the day tomorrow.
I returned to work this week, part-time.  It was exhausting (and, in hindsight, I shouldn't have gone in both Monday *and* Tuesday), and I probably (likely?) overdid it this week.  I was feeling so good, though.  It was so nice to be able to work a few hours, come home, cook my family dinner, clean up after the mess I made....and, yes, in typing that, I see the flawed thinking.

So, from here on out, I will be limiting myself to a maximum of ONE day per week in the office until I am able to go back full time.  And, that will be if and only if I'm feeling up to it.  If I'm not - that's what they made webcams and phones for.  :)
Right now, my radiation simulation (where they figure out the dosing, machine, location, etc.) for my next phase of treatment is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.  Assuming all is well, and nothing odd shows up on the scans tomorrow.  I am in for 30 more rounds of radiation, with a weekly determination made on whether I continue with Xeloda.  Right now, we are going to hold off until my body is stronger and feeling better.  Thank God....
This weekend, an old friend of mine, Jason, and his partner Jeff are coming into town.  I am super excited - the last time I saw them was back in 2008, when I was going through chemo the first time.  They are coming over on Saturday for a BBQ, then we are going to spend Sunday at my parents' house to celebrate Mother's Day!  I can't wait!  I'm hoping I'm feeling better by then....

And, with that, I'll post this and spend more time with my family.  I'm on the lookout for an on-line game that tests Julia (and Kevin) on the states, their locations in the union, and their capitals.  If you know of one, please let me know!

Comments: are a lovely writer. And I shall be sending you those wickedly powerful great vibes in your direction tomorrow....
love to you,
May 9, 2013 at 8:41 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...
Praying everything goes well tomorrow and that you sleep well tonight. You can sleep all day tomorrow, too. :)
May 9, 2013 at 9:31 PM
Blogger Amie said...
Your blogs are always so inspiring, vulnerable, and real. Keep strong and keep being you, Michelle. love you and will be thinking of you - xoxo
May 10, 2013 at 12:53 PM


I was asked to take part in a newspaper article about living with cancer - here's the link!  They got a few of the details wrong, so I updated my part of the story in the comments, but it's still a good article for those who are newly diagnosed.  Super excited!

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