Monday, August 11, 2008

AUGUST 11, 2008

Round 5 - Get ready!

So, my first week of work went really well. It was so nice to get back to work, and finally feel like I was living for me, instead of letting the cancer determine what I was doing. It's nice to be able to feel "normal" again.

This week, my sister-in-law, Ruth, is in town. It's nice to see her, and she will help with things around here during this week. The kids really enjoy spending time with her. Well, so do we!

Tuesday starts Round 5- that means I am one more treatment from the halfway point. I can't wait. That point seems like a mountain to me - it's like, once I am at the halfway point, I am on the downhill slide. What a huge goal for me to reach - it seems like just yesterday, I was at round 1 or 2. Now, I am almost to the mid-point.

I didn't rest as much as I should have this weekend. It's so hard to rest when I finally feel good enough to do something, but I need to rest because that allows my body to gather the strength to heal from treatment. I understand that, logically, but physically - well, when I finally feel good enough to cook/clean/do laundry, I can't. Very frustrating. But, I know what I need to do.

I think that's about it. I wish I had a way to post to this blog just little blurbs - I think of things, and go - wow, that would be a good thing to share with everyone. Then, boom - off into chemo-brain-land it goes, never to be heard from again. ARGH! I know about Twitter, but we don't have texting on our phones. So, can't do that. Hmph. Oh well.

Off to group and then to pick up Julia and Kevin from daycare. I can't wait to hear how her first day of first grade went.

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