Monday, August 4, 2008

AUGUST 4, 2008

Back at Work

Well, today was my first day back at work. It was a good day! I was nervous, but it was fine. I think my nervousness came from how I was going to handle going back to work, how I was going to handle the questions, and how I was going to handle the inevitable exhaustion. 

As far as the exhaustion, it was a good kind of tired, something along the lines of when you are tackling a really large physical project (think painting your house, etc.), where you know you have accomplished something. There were questions, and while most of the people that stopped by were aware of the situation, it's very odd to have to tell people that I have cancer. I mean, I don't want to have to be the one to tell them, and I am certainly not looking for sympathy or anything. So, when most people ask where I have been, I tell them that over the Memorial Day weekend, I was diagnosed with cancer, and have been battling that beast for a couple of months. I figure if people ask me from there what kind, what the symptoms were, etc., then it's their fault if they don't want to hear about the blood in my stool or that I thought I had hemorrhoids. :-) 

Everyone was so nice about everything. My director Tiffany made me a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies, and they greeted me at the desk when I walked in. People kept stopping by to say hi (all except poor Vickie, who is sick with a cold - sorry honey!), and I was still able to get some work done. Around 10am, I was thinking - hey! I could do this all day! By noon - not so much. I was ready for a nice nap, which I still haven't taken. 

Overall, it was a good night, and I look forward to tomorrow. I have to get going now - it just dawned on me that I need to make my lunch for tomorrow and still iron some clothes. Hmph.

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