Wednesday, August 20, 2008

AUGUST 20, 2008

Septic, baby!

Dad and I went to the drs for a follow up this afternoon. All went well - BP and temp are back to normal, and my incision from the port removal is looking good. Everyone was glad to see me, and I got several hugs from the drs, the nurses, and the office staff. It was good to be back, and not be sick. 

Basically, the consensus is that I was, and I quote, "septic". Basically, my body was full of infection, and couldn't fight it off. This led to an abundance of gross-ness in my system that caused my body to start acting up. As Levi said, it could have been deadly. Thank goodness it wasn't. 

At this point, all signs indicate that the port may have been infected for a while, and this was the culmination of the ickiness. Apparently, there are three potential issues for patients going through chemo - port infection, pneumonia, and UTI/bladder infection. Fun things to look forward to. So, I need to be much more diligent about letting them know about symptoms, odd happenings, and anything unusual that I notice. 

I had to laugh - the PA that I saw, Ilene, asked if I was acting normal yet. Well, that's really such a subjective term. What's normal, really? For me - yes, I was acting normal. If you make that comparison to other people in the world, well, then, we might have some room for debate. :-)

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