Sunday, August 3, 2008

AUGUST 3, 2008

Weekend Update

Well, this weekend was exhausting. We had friends in from California on Friday night and Saturday, and while you can rest and try to relax, it's hard when you have guests. Luckily, they are low-key people, and we were able to mainly enjoy their time here.

Saturday, we worked on bills with Mom and Dad, trying to figure things out. I tell you, cancer is expensive. People say kids are the most expensive thing in your life - um, they obviously haven't had cancer or are independently wealthy. While I have amazing insurance and am lucky enough to have a great disability plan, we are still paying out copays every chemo session ($90 every two weeks), copays for RXs (usually, about $70/month), gas to and from the drs appts, chemo, etc., not to mention the co-insurance for everything until the deductible kicked in. Overall, it's not in the thousands (yet), but the costs do add up. I know we are lucky, and I shouldn't complain, but still....

Anyways, Sunday was spent going through Julia's and Kevin's dressers to try to sort out old from new, what fits and what doesn't, and to figure out what Julia needs for school NEXT WEEK! Yikes. Luckily, she is in really good shape, and needs minimal additions to the diva closet.

I also spent the day getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. I know this seemed like a really good idea two weeks ago, but now that I am tired from the weekend, it doesn't seem like such a positive move. (Just kidding!) I know it is, and I welcome with open arms the normalcy, but boy - this is going to kick my butt. Dressing up for work? Setting the alarm? Packing my lunch? Whew - I forgot how tiring work can be! LOL!

This weekend, from a cancer perspective, was okay. Still nauseous from the chemo, and definitely still tired. But, while it takes a bit longer for the symptoms to go away, I feel like I am getting a handle on them. I know this will change next week for round 5, but let me live in my fantasy world. :-) I started having issues with mouthsores again this weekend, and then remembered the "swish and swallow" mouth wash, so I started using that diligently again. It seems to help, though I still have a sore throat and am going to call my primary care physician tomorrow, just in case. The nausea isn't too bad unless I forget to eat, which doesn't impress me. I am terrified of gaining weight during this ordeal (I know, of all the things to be worried about), especially since I am craving salt and sweet. Why couldn't I crave carrots and celery? But, I am really trying to eat better things, like fruits and whole-wheat crackers, so we'll see how this goes.

I think that's about it. I can say that the hair loss is still pretty slow, but there. I notice the tingling on scalp here and there, so I am pretty sure that we are still on our way to bald-dom. The funny thing - the new hair growth I have? Yeah - it's coming in a sort of strawberry-blonde. Hmph. At least it's not ALL grey!
Hi Michelle... thinking of you as you start your first day back to work. I remember returning after my leave of absence, just take things slow and LET PEOPLE HELP YOU! They all care about you and it is their way of helping.
I have to let you know that you are an inspiration and everything that you have been going through will help other people - including someone very close to me : ) She will be reading your blog as she starts chemo - we already looked at it this weekend and she was getting some good tips and ideas from you : )
love ya
August 4, 2008 at 7:10 AM

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