Thursday, August 28, 2008

AUGUST 28, 2008

A couple of wonderful resources....

I wanted to let you all know about some wonderful resources that I have come across in mu journeys. I thought they might be especially useful if you are either battling cancer yourself, or if you know of someone that is battling cancer. 

The first is through the American Cancer Society, and is called "Look Good, Feel Better." This is a program put on to help cancer patients (women) through the emotional and physical changes that chemo and radiation bring on, such as changes to skin, acne, hair loss, etc. This is about a two hour program, and provides women with guidance regarding make-up application, wigs, scarf techniques, etc. I attended this through my oncologists office, and was even given a large bag of cosmetics free. During the presentation, there is a licensed beautician (I am pretty sure that's her title) that walks you through the application techniques for the makeup provided, and everyone walks out of there looking fabulous. They also bring (courtesy of the American Cancer Society) various styles, colors, and hair lengths of wigs. I didn't realize this, but the ACS will actually provide chemo patients with a complimentary wig. You just need to contact them. Such a great service! When I went into this presentation, I was a little hesitant - I didn't know anyone, and was unsure as to what would happen. After two fun-filled hours, I had laughed with women of all ages, races, and cancer types, I had cried with them, and I had bonded with them. It was a wonderful experience, and I left there feeling revived and renewed in my fight for my life.

Another service that is provided to cancer patients is called Cleaning For A Reason. This is an organization that sets you up with a local maid service, who will come out to your home and do an overall cleaning once monthly for four months while you are in the midst of chemo. Let's face it - when you are undergoing chemo treatments and fighting cancer, dusting your knick-knacks really heads to the bottom of your priority list. This company has a website,, and I have my first cleaning set up with them for the end of the month. (I would do it sooner, but my wonderful friend Sharon has provided us with a deep-cleaning through another maid service, and they are coming next week - yeah!!! Thanks, Sharon!) I just think this is a wonderful service, and should be made aware to all cancer patients. And, if you are not currently in a cancer battle but want to support someone, you can donate to the organization on their website. A great gift for anyone fighting this disease, to be sure.

So, there you go. Please let me know if you have any questions. I have been so blessed with what I have been given throughout this fight, and I feel like I need to share those insights with others, so that I might help make their battle with cancer just a little easier.

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