Monday, October 13, 2008

OCTOBER 13, 2008

My mom has a friend, Shelley, who is good friends with the news director at the local Fox news station. In talking with her, Shelley mentioned my story and they became interested in it as a human interest story.

Well, with tonight being the New Kids concert (Woo!!!), they are doing a story on the concert, and thought that this would be a great tie-in for me! Oh my goodness. The lady is going to be here in about an hour and a half, and they are going to interview me at the house, then apparently we are going to meet back up at the concert and they are going to record video of Julia and I heading into the concert. 

It will be on the 9 and 10 o'clock news tonight. Channel 10. 

Do you think I might be able to ask for backstage passes?!?! It can't hurt, right? :-) 

I have to clean my house now. Um. Hmm. So much for relaxing. Anyways, I will post more when I have more information. And, if I am able to get pictures, I will TOTALLY post those as well. 

WOO! New Kids!


Now, I know that there are going to be people who don't care about these pictures. Tough - I also know ther are people who are going to want to see them. Please remember that I do not have a decent camera, and took what I could.

My boys....I had such great seats. Thanks to my company for providing them. It was truly a gift that I recieved them, and I am so grateful. And, I highly recommend the suite tickets if you can afford them - very nice!!!

Sigh - such a handsome (HOT!!!) group. When I was younger, I don't think I would have ever imagined taking my daughter to this concert. And, I can't imagine that I ever thought about what these guys would look like 15 years later. However, I wanted to buy a poster for MY wall - just hot! All of them - I have no favorites. Well, I do. Joey, always. Donnie - yum! :-)

Dancing on stage. They are such great performers.

This is the circular stage that they moved to halfway through the concert. It was almost at the opposite end of the arena, so it afforded everyone a different view. I don't think the people in the first rows were happy, but everyone else was.

Sigh - such a great concert. I wish that I could have stayed for the entire thing, but then again, I wish I didn't have cancer, so I guess you can't get everything you want. Oh well. :-)


ahhh! this is great! great pics! did julia have a great time? What happened with Fox news? I am very tempted to stop at target on the way home and pick up their new cd... I am so glad that you had a great time. Take that energy with you this week going into ROUND NINE, baby! 

hugs from michigan

October 14, 2008 at 4:43 AM


Before you read this, you should really click on the above link and click "play" on the screen. Then, come back and read this....

Okay, assuming you have seen the TV program. Yes, that's Julia and I from tonight. As I said in my previous post, this came about because of the work of my mom's friend, and Shelley - thank you! I can't wait to meet you in person and give you a BIG hug!

Basically, the new station (Fox 10 in Phoenix) wanted to do a story on me as a human interest story, and thought the tie-in from tonight's concert was a perfect fit. While I wished that they had focused more on WHY I am such an advocate for colon cncer awareness, they did post a link to the Colon Cancer Alliance on their webpage, so that's something, I suppose. Anyways, I am pretty happy with how it turned out, how I looked, etc. :-) LOL! Of all the things to worry about...

Anywhoo, it was a great experience, and remided me that I can TOTALLY handle televisin interviews. It wasn't nearly as bad as thought, and they had a cute cameraman, which helped. (If you are familiar with country music at all, he looked like Blake Shelton.)

And, the concert. OH, the concert. I will say that I am bummed that I didn't feel as good as I would have liked to for this event. I noticed that I got tired so quickly, and wasn't able to scream quite as loud as I would have liked. (That's all right - Julia helped in that area!) But, the concert was wonderful. If you are a NKTB fan (even if you're not), you HAVE to check out their new CD. It's completely different from their previous music, and totally awesome. Very hip-hop, R&B feel. VERY sexy. No really, it is. They use some un-kid-friendly terms, and luckily, Julia didn't pick up on any of those.

The opening act (the one I recognized, anyways) was Natasha Bedingfield. GREAT voice, awesome performance. Then, on came the main act - whoo! Awesome. Just great. They played a mix of the old and the new, and it was just a great show. They started out on stage, then half-way through their show, moved to a small, circular stage with a piano that turned. Very cool. Julia and I had to leave early (someone - and it wasn't me - was tired and getting cranky, and the music was super loud, so her ears were bothering her....), but I am pretty sure it was towards the end of their performance, except for the encore. I am bummed that I didn't get to stay for the whole thing, but I am so glad that I went, and got to share this with Julia.

She did finid a favorite, much to my amusement and pride. After their first song, she sked me who the one in the pink shirt was. It was Joey McIntyre, who was my FAVORITE when I was younger. I am so proud. I bought her a poster, so she can put it up in her room. When she finally wakes up. LOL!

Overall, it was a pretty cool night. I will post pictures in the next post.


THAT WAS SOOO i wish i could have gone with you we could have stalked them after!!

You looked great on camera and i am so proud of you that you are being used in a good way even in your own trial. You are such a beautiful soul and I am blessed to know you.

October 14, 2008 at 7:34 AM
OpenID wyldirsh123 said...
OMG!!! You're interview was great and you look amazing! I love the short funky hairstyle on your Michelle! It kind of reminds me of my haircut! :-) Anyway, I'm so glad they interviewed you and you spoke so well... as you always do. You have such a knack for writing and speaking... so professional! And the concert looked amazing, as did your pictures. Wish I could've been there with you & Julia enjoying NKOTB. So great to see you in video, not just pics! Take care & talk to you soon! Murph
October 14, 2008 at 8:31 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Oh wow! You did SO great with the news people! Trust me - I KNOW how nerve-wracking that is :)

I'm so glad you had a good time - what an awesome thing for you!!!!!

Oh - in case I didn't mention it before, I LOVED Joey when I was a little girl - he was just so dreamy!!

October 14, 2008 at 9:03 AM

you are fabulous. 

you also made me cry!
what an incredible memory - and you have it all on tape. 
you are my inspiration... 
enough said...

October 14, 2008 at 5:19 PM

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