Thursday, October 30, 2008

OCTOBER 30, 2008

Really quick, since I still feel like crap. Made it through yet another round. Levi's still looking for a job, and has officially applied for unemployment. This round of chemo made me so sick that I actually had to ask for the bucket at the drs office. Thank goodness I didn't need it, but it came pretty close a couple of times. The nausea has been almost completely unbearable, and I can't imagine what it would be like going through this without my tanker full of anti-nausea drugs.

I am done, though. Neuropathy (the tingling and numbness from the chemo - not the cold sensitivity) was really bad this time. I am struggling to type today (if you see a typo, blame the chemo), and opening pill bottles is almost impossible. My fingers and toes are numb bu tso sensitive at the same time - it's an odd sensation that I can't explain. I mentioned it to the nurse today, and she set me up with an appt with Bill (my PA) on Wednesday.

Halloween is tomorrow - I am hoping that the nausea starts to go away. I tried another new anti med today - didn't do a thing.

As my mom said, the depression hasn't kicked in...yet. Maybe now's the time. I know I am fighting, and I know I have to, but I am so's hoping......

More tomorrow...if I can still type! :-)
happy Halloween!

I am so praying that you are feeling better. We are also praying for Levi. 

we love you... 
remember - journaling is a great way to help with the down moments. just get it out by writing...
October 31, 2008 at 9:42 AM

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