Monday, October 27, 2008

OCTOBER 27, 2008

Wow - it's hard to believe it's been that long since I posted. It's been quite a week. Let's start with the big news - unfortunately, Levi lost his job last week. Last week was spent freaking out, wondering what in the world we are going to do. I got the call on last Tuesday morning, got confirmation on Tuesday evening, and spent the next day watching the planes (count them, FOUR layovers) that were bringing my husband home.

When he got here, I finally felt, well, whole again. One of my best friends mentioned to me that maybe the reason he is here is that whatever "Being" you believe in (I choose not to use this forum for my religious beliefs, so fill in "Being" with what you believe in) knew that I needed the support here, in Phoenix. So, I am hoping that that's the case, although if I end up in the hospital I will be pretty pissed off. :-)

So, we spent this weekend looking for jobs for him, and it feels like we applied him to a hundred positions. The waiting now begins. We are still searching for a telecommunications position, but ideally, we are looking to move him into another, more stable line of work. So, if you know of anyone in the Phoenix area looking for a decent, hard-working, reliable, mechanically-inclined, intelligent person with his own vehicle and that speaks English.....let me know. He's available YESTERDAY!!!!

Let's see - what else. I have to think about it. Um, I made it through the last round of chemo with some pretty rough side effects.....nausea being the worst of them. I am DREADING the nausea tomorrow, but I know it needs to happen. Again, it's the old "heart versus the head" conflict, and while I know that I need to go through this, I don't want to. Although, it will be nice to be at the end of this next week and to be able to say "I only have 2 more treatments..."

I did have a doctor's appointment with the PA last Friday. It went really well. My bloodwork looks fantastic, and all of the side effects that have gotten worse (nausea, neuropathy, and sensitivity to cold) are totally normal. Not fun, but normal. And, (this is a huge maybe) they might discontinue the Oxalipalantin (the nasty drug with the most horrific side effects) after this round, b/c of the neuropathy. There won't be any kind of negative effect on my prognosis at this point if we discontinue it, so here's hoping! (I know, there are people out there that will tell me to continue it.....we'll see what happens....)

What else? There is so much, but I have been SO busy this past week. We took the kids to a Hallweeen Bash in town this weekend, which was fun getting the kids dressed up. It was especially nice for me b/c I will only be a day out of chemo and thoroughly unable to enjoy Halloween on Friday.

Um, I think that's about it. As you can probably tell, I am still pretty depressed about the job thing, and I am struggling to maintain a positive attitude. But, I know that we will make it through this, and be better people on the other side. So, please, happy thoughts our way. It's going to be a rough(er) road than expected, but we are strong, and we will make it through.


jnwhiteh said...
Of ALL of the places to find people spamming for World of Warcraft gold. For those of you that don't know, this is a black market that sells in-game goods for real money.

How bizarre! Michelle, if you can remove the comment, feel free.. this is just spam.
October 28, 2008 at 3:25 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Eek about the job loss - but I will say that I agree that it happened for a reason, and I'm sure that will be revealed in the future. But, on that same hand, I know how tough the "little things" can be during treatment, and this is a "big thing" regardless of everything else, so I will be sending positive thoughts your way. Here's hoping the side effects are minimal this time around(hey, it could happen!). Hang in there... you're getting closer and closer to the end of all this.
October 28, 2008 at 7:25 AM


You know how I am raising money for the Undy 5000? (If you don't , please click on "Support My Team Here" on the right-hand side of this blog!) Well, I am $50 away from my goal of $1,000. Can you imagine? I never thought I would make it to that, much less be able to blow that number out of the water. And, it looks like that's what's going to happen - maybe I shoudl raise my goal to $1,500?

Wow - I am blown away by people's generosity and support of me through this journey. I have had people donate to my cause that I don't know. I have had people donate to this that I never would have expected. And, I have had more people donate than I thought possible....

So, to all of you who have been SO generous with your contributions, thanks just isn't enough. Your contributions will be put to good use, to try to prevent and beat this horrible disease. Thank you a million times.

And, if you haven't had a chance yet to donate, the walk/run is less than a month away. November 15th is almost here. Please consider donating whatever you can spare - $5? $10? $25? Everything helps.

Again, thank you for your support - you are all my angels, and MY inspiration.

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