Saturday, October 4, 2008

OCTOBER 4, 2008

(Imagine for a moment the Elton John song "SATURDAY.") So, for the last couple of treatments, I have felt like crap up until Saturday night. It's not like I suddenly feel up to partying on Sat, I just notice a change in my demeanor, my mood, and my body. It's like my body is breathing a sigh of relief - she's done abusing me for the week, and I can start to heal. 

So, I just had to share with you all, especially after my last post. I am feeling better today. In spite of my cold, thank you very much. Yes, as if to add more to my pile of issues, I now have what I believe to be the beginnings of an upper respiratory infection. Yikes. I called this morning, and I am now on antibiotics, on top of everything else coursing through my body. Fun, right? 

Yeah. That's it. :-)

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