Wednesday, December 16, 2009

DECEMBER 16, 2009

I thought I'd take a few moments to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.  I'm still here, just INCREDIBLY busy.  I haven't updated for several reasons, most of them that I'm tired of being on the computer after working all day, and my weekend have been jammed packed, so finding time when I would WANT to be on the computer is difficult.  Well, it is if I want to sleep.  :-)

Things have been super busy - last weekend, after my last very down post, I spent time with levi going over our options, and we have a game plan.  We'll see if it pans out - I'll let you know.  Last week was also very busy, but things are starting to slow down. There were things that I was going to tell you about, but I can't remember what they are!  See what happens when I don't inundate you with information?

Let's see - Saturday the 5th, Mom, Julia and I went to a walk at The Wellness Community - it was called a Cancer Walk and Hope Cafe, and it was truly something I needed.  Basically, they hosted a walk that was not cancer specific - just a general walk to support ALL cancer patients and survivors.  It was very very very cool.  We spent the majority of the day there, enjoying the gift of being in harmony with other survivors.  CTCA was a sponsor so I was able to catch up with a lot of my TWC and CTCA peeps.  Very cool.  And, my mom hasn't ever been to TWC, so this was awesome for me to share this with her.  Of course, Julia was a star and the sweetheart of the walk.  :-)  Here's a picture of Julia and me at the event - you'll see balloons. They had balloons to represent the various forms of cancer at the event, and seeing the hundreds of people walking down the street with these balloons overhead was SPECTACULAR!

Sunday, I think the kids spent the day at Mom and Dad's, and I did my errands, cleaned the house, etc.  The week went by okay - just busy at work, and this past weekend was busy as well.  Saturday, I hosted an i2y (I'm Too Young For This) event at my house, and then afterwards, I had a Lia Sophia party that was a TON of fun.  Sunday we had a kind of second Thanigsiving with Mom and Dad.  

This week has been super busy at work, but it's all good.  This week I'm back to full hours, so while I will miss my extra half-day off on Fridays, I will enjoy the money back in my bank account.  This Friday night, I have something to go to, then Saturday and Sunday will hopefully be spent doing the final shopping, wrapping, and getting the gingerbread house and Santas sleigh set up (so much fun!).  

So, I mentioned in the title that I passed another important anniversary - on Sunday, December 13th, I (sort of) celebrated one year since I completed chemo.  On Dcember 13th of 2008, I had my chemo pump removed for the final time.  I thought I was going to celebrate this in a much more obvious fashion, but honestly, the day kind of passed without much to-do.  All in all, that's okay.  It was important to me, and I know what it meant.  Mostly, I'm happy to be able to say that I am now officially one-year out from chemo.  Pretty awesome.

Tomorrow is my brother's 30th birthday, and he gets here from England on Monday.  I am so excited to see him, and to show him my home and my kids.  

I think that's about it.  More in a bit.


Tina said...
Glad you and Levi had a chance to make a plan--hope it works! Glad also that you are keeping busy, you are a wonderful, fun momma!
Even though your husband is not with you (I can't imagine how hard that must be!), I hope you enjoy having a Christmas full of energy and fun!
December 16, 2009 at 7:31 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Yay for plans! Makes you feel a smidgen more in control :) Here's hoping your plan is a success! Sounds like you've been insanely busy - 'tis the season, I suppose!! Glad to hear all is well!
December 17, 2009 at 2:55 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Happy Chemo-free Anniversary! That is awesome. Have a nice holiday!
December 17, 2009 at 7:12 PM

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