Friday, December 25, 2009

DECEMBER 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to all of my friends, family, acquaintances, and the like.  I hope that, whether you celebrate this day for religious reasons, for cultural/social reasons, or just get to celebrate a day of not working, you had a wonderful day and spent time doing what you wanted to.

The kids and I spent last night with Mom, Dad, and my brother Jim at our house, munching on snacks and enjoying the company.  The kids were able to open a couple of present early.  We left the cookies and milk for Santa (in a ziploc bag, so that Santa could take it with him in the sleigh, since he's tight on time...), the reindeer food for the REAL hard workers on Christmas Eve, then headed to bed so the big guy could make his rounds.

This morning, the kids were up around 6am...which for me is sleeping in, but not as much as I wanted.  I got my shower and we took the presents under the tree (including the stockings that Santa filled) over to Mom and Dad house to celebrate the day with the family.

The kids were spoiled rotten today, as they should be.  We all wish that Levi could have been here, but that time is soon coming.

The rest of the weekend is going to be spent relaxing, getting caught up on emails/action items for CCA and i2y, and hopefully just enjoying time with everyone.

I hope that you and yours had a wonderful day, and that you enjoy the rest of the weekend.  More later....

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