Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DECEMBER 23, 2009

Yes, it's been another week since I blogged.  I've been purposely avoiding the computer at home - I find that once I'm on it, I get sucked into it, and I struggle to get other things done.  And, when I'm rushing to get those other things done, I'm not enjoying them.  So, I've been ignoring the call of the blog from home.  I'm okay with it.

However, I feel like I've left you all hanging.  So, as an update, all is well here.  Well, relatively speaking.  The kids are really excited about the imminent arrival of Santa tomorrow night, and we are already having discussions about the cookies and milk to leave him, and the reindeer food to sprinkle on the front step.  We may have to do this at Mom and Dad's too, since Santa will be making an initial stop at our house to drop off the stockings, but will be making the majority of his yearly toy-box deposit at my mom and dad's house, so that we can all be together for the opening of the gifts.  We are going to have Christmas Eve at my house tomorrow night (so I can show off my house to my brother, who's in from England) and so the kids can get a good night's sleep before they go crazy on Christmas Day.

The presents are mostly wrapped, and there are no more purchases until after the holiday.  However, on the 26th, I plan on grabbing a few markdowns.  Always thinking ahead....

Tonight, I am heading to an event at CTCA (Cancer Treatment Centers of America) - they are having an open house for the Cancer Fighters group, of which I am a part.  Cancer Fighters is a program that pairs up survivors with patients (in- and out-).  I haven't been paired up with anyone yet, but I'm hopeful that I might meet some folks tonight.  I'm looking forward to it - I get such a charge from being at CTCA - it's like I can do good while I'm there, and have a postive impact on people.  My parents are going to get the kids today from daycare, so I can spend some time there making connections, etc.  I think this will be a wonderful experience, and getting to see the folks there that I love so much will only enhance the day.

Next week, I'm off of work.  And, the following week.  It's all good - I have a lot I need to get done.  While I wish I was getting paid for the first week in January, I can't dwell on it - until the paycheck comes in and I panic.  But, I'm not going to worry about that (too much) right now.

All right - back at it.  Have a good one.  I'll try to remember to post on Christmas.  If I forget (or am late), Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 


Whidbey Woman said...
Merry Christmas, Michelle. It is a joy to be your Internet buddy.
December 23, 2009 at 3:25 PM
Blogger Tina said...

Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful, peaceful, healthy New Year! Thanks for all your support this past year!!
December 23, 2009 at 3:38 PM

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