Thursday, December 24, 2009

DECEMBER 24, 2009

While I'm not what you'd call religious, I love this time of year.  It seems to bring out the best in people (well, most people...).  There seems to be a little extra bounce in their step, it's easier for people to smile, and it's where people remember that life isn't something to be taken for granted.  I'm very lucky that Levi and I both subscribe to the concept that this time of year is about love, family, happiness, and togetherness.  While the annual visit from Santa is fun, we have tried to instill in our children that this time of year is about love.  Julia will tell you that the most important thing is love - I'm so proud of her.

Yesterday, I was at the post office.  I needed to get a few stamps to mail out a few straggling Christmas cards, and I was waiting in line for the automatic machine.  At the front of the line was a Phoenix police officer.  He was frustrated because all he wanted was 2 lonely little stamps.  The machine was out of the lables to print stamps.  Bummer.  I asked him if it would still distribute books of stamps.....he tried it, and lo and behold it did just that.  I was only trying to help - he got the stamps he needed, and was able to mail off whatever was needed.  Once he got his receipt, he dropped his envelopes in the box, then handed me the majority of the stamp book.  I pulled out my wallet and offered him money for the stamps.  Nope - he just wanted to do something nice.  Wow.  It's things like this that really help solidify my belief in the overall good of people.  (And, it's one of the reasons I'm SO PROUD to be associated with the fire and police departments across this amazing country - the people with these organizations are just amazing....)

I did go to the event at CTCA last night.  It was so good to be there - the people there were current patients, survivors, and caregivers.  All people who understand.  I met some amazing people and am going to have lunch with two of them next week.  I am really looking forward to it.

What else?  I think that's about it.  I will try to post pictures of the kids opening gifts tomorrow, once I get them.  Assuming I remember to charge the battery in my camera.  :-) 


I will post more about this in a week or so, but I'm working with a friend on a project, and she took photos of me to include in this project.  Suffice it to say that Natty is one of the most talented photographers I know, and she makes me look amazing....I just adore her.  (Randi - yes, this is for that...)
I am dressed.....I swear.... 






 Admittedly, this is my favorite picture.  


Mrs. Buv said...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!! I can't wait for "that"!!


December 25, 2009 at 12:29 PM
Blogger Jill said...
You are stunning! There pictures are so beautiful, thanks for sharing them :)
December 26, 2009 at 9:55 AM
Blogger Daria said...

Those are great pictures! Good for you.
December 28, 2009 at 12:49 PM

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