Monday, December 28, 2009

DECEMBER 28, 2009

So, my blogger peeps, I'll tell you a couple of things.  First, tomorrow is my 8th anniversary with my amazing husband, Levi.  I'm bummed that tomorrow we won't be able to be together, but we'll make up for it later.  :-)  I am so beyond happy to be his wife - he and I were friends for a couple of years before we got together, and there's nothing better than being married to your best friend.  He is the one person that I can be myself with all the time; he makes me laugh and can instantly make me feel better when I'm down.  There aren't words that can describe how much I adore him and how much I love him.

Which leads me to the next announcement - HE'S COMING HOME!!!!  By this time next week, he'll be on his way here...he and his mom are driving down starting Monday (assuming nothing happens between now and then).  No, we don't have a job solidified for him yet, but there are a few leads, so we're hoping for the best, at this point.  PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for us...

Additionally, I wanted to tell you what I did with those pictures that you saw earlier this week.  As you may know, the 
Colon Club produces a calendar called, appropriately enough, the Colondar.  It's a calendar featuring colon and rectal cancer survivors that were under the age of 50 when they were diagnosed.  Here is the link to their website with information about this year's models as well as previous year's models.

When Kim was still alive, she and I talked about applying her to be a model.  We even talked about doing it together.  Since she can't be here, I did it alone.  With her memory and her spirit and her courage helping me along.  And, with all of you behind me.  Alongside me.  Pulling me with you.  I submitted my application today, along with the pictures that Natty took of me.  I don't know when/if I will hear anything - they generally feature people with prominent stomach scars, and mine is not prominent.  As you can see, Nat and I chose to focus on my port scar.  That's the most visible one, and for me, the most important one.

This is a huge step for me - I can't imagine that I would have done this before cancer.  Matter of fact, I can say with almost 100% certainty that I would not have ever submitted an application to be a model in a calendat.  However, when I was diagnosed with cancer, everything in my life changed.  I figured, why shouldn't I apply to be in this calendar?  I already beat cancer.  I can do this.

There's more, but I want to wait until I know more details before I divulge information.  I have become fairly superstitious about things, and I don't want to jinx anything.  Perhaps the New Year will bring's hoping.

Meanwhile, Happy Anniversary to my husband.  I love you, and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. 


Heat said...

I'm glad Levi is coming home!!!

I'm proud of you for sending in those pics!! That's awesome!! Can't wait to hear which one they choose ;)
December 29, 2009 at 8:17 AM
Blogger Tina said...
I LOVE the Colonder! I'm so glad you applied, and I hope they chose you. I'm sure they will because the pics are BEAUTIFUL!
Its wonderful that you and Levi will finally be together as a family again!
Happy anniversary!
December 29, 2009 at 9:52 AM
Blogger natasha said...
I am The editor/writer with I really liked your site and i am interested in building a relationship with your site. We want to spread public awareness. I hope you can help me out. Your site is a very useful resource.

Please email me back with your URl in subject line to take a step ahead. To avoid spam.

Thank you,
December 30, 2009 at 11:11 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

I love the Colondar but wonder how the survivors have enough "guts" to show their scars? Mine is roughly 18 inches long. It's not something that I want to show anyone. Not that I'm ashamed from having Colon Cancer, only because I haven't gotten rid of the belly roll.
December 30, 2009 at 2:52 PM

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