Thursday, December 31, 2009

DECEMBER 31, 2009

I love these next two days.  I love the concept that everyone unites around a holiday not based on religious or personal views (at least, for the most part here in the US).  I love that people get together to celebrate and reflect on the year that has passed, and to optimistically celebrate what they hope will happen in the coming year.

Being a New Yorker at heart, the ONLY way to celebrate the New Year is to watch the Times Square ball drop at midnight.  When I first lived in Minnesota, I was SO upset when they delayed the ball drop so that it was "live" to MN time, which is an hour behind NY time.  Um, what?  No - this bad boy needs to be shown live.  Doesn't the world understnd that all things are based on NY time - and, everything else is just relative to that?  At least, on New Year's Eve....

My brother and father and I are going dryer shopping this morning.  Our dryer at the house has been making horrible, awful noises lately, and yesterday, I had to shut it off, the noises were so bad.  I found a scratch and dent place nearby that has electric dryers, so I'm hoping to use some of our Christmas money and gift cards to buy us a new dryer (Merry Christmas to us!).

I will try to remember to post more later, but if I don't, Happy New Year's to you all.  I'm REALLY looking forward to 2010.  I'm hopeful that it's going to be better then 2009 was. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

DECEMBER 30, 2009

I have a feeling this might be a random post that won't make much sense - sorry in advance for this.
 Honestly, I'm surprised I remembered that this was a topic I wanted to blog about.  Yesterday, I was reading a non-fiction book I bought and realized how difficult it is for me to read something that I haven't read before, because I have to process what I'm reading and my brain doesn't always do this as easily as I'd like.  I thought about this topic last night as I was lying in bed, trying to go to sleep.  Hence, the surprise at remembering it this morning.

See, before cancer, I could read a book once and remember what I read, details, etc.  It was an amazing ability that made school easier for me that it probably should have been.  I could read something and it was in my head.  If I wrote that detail down, it was premanently in my brain.  Studying became reading and writing - as long as I did those things, I was fairly assured that I'd be able to recall it on a test.  Along with this, I was able to skim books and get the jist of the content, which made reading books a fairly easy process.  And, reading has always been an escape for me.  It's been something that transports me to another world easily, and allows me to leave this world for another one where I have no responsibility or consequence - who can't use an escape like that every once in a while.

Since chemo brain hit hardcore, I have had a hell of a time trying to read a new book.  It doesn't matter if it's fiction or non-fiction.  Reading a new book with details that my brain has to process is a feat of magnificent proportions - it takes time, and energy, and willpower.  Quite frankly, I haven't had those in spades lately.  And, it frustrates me.  I don't remember details.  I can read a sentence and not remember what I just read.  I have to re-read sentences a couple of times in order to understand what I'm reading.  Not good for someone who's used to skimming pages to read a book.

As I said, I am reading a new book.  It's a good book, and I'm intrigued by the content.  However, it's taking me a lot longer than I'd like to read it, and to understand it.  VERY frustrating.

So, I wondered last night, laying in bed, if this is a permanent change.  Has the chemicals injected into my body changed my brain permanently?  Will I have to alter how I learn?  How I understand and process things?  I hope not - I'm hoping that this goes away as I get farther and farther away fom chemo.

I also still notice that I have days where the chemo brain is in full effect.  Days where I can't remember certain details.  Or, where I'm going.  What I'm doing.  I find that I write a lot more lists now - I have to, otherwise, I'll think of something and then POOF - the thought is gone.  Not good when that thought is a to-do items that needs to be taken care of.  Somedays, I have trouble putting thoughts together.  Or, getting a coherent thought in my brain to a coherent sentence coming out of my mouth.

I just wanted to blog about this while I remembered it.  Again, I have a feeling this was a fairly rambling post.  Sorry about that.  But, that's chemo brain.  LOL!


Heat said...
Well, I had different chemo than you did, and a different brain, but I can tell you what I've experienced so far...

It gets better.

My memory/cognitive processing isn't back to what it once was, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was two years ago.

A few months ago, I had a bout of REALLY bad memory problems - no idea why - but that seems to have cleared up as well.

So back to normal ever? Dunno. But I think you'll get some of your brain back....
December 30, 2009 at 9:37 PM
Blogger April said...

Michelle, you do not know me, but you know a friend of mine that I went to high school with - Stephanie Young. She gave me your blog, hoping it would help. My husband is currently facing exactly what you had to face. Same cancer, same chemo. (He has a blog here too... Anyway my husband is an incredibly intelligent man who breezed through college and masters. He can skim books and retain everything from them. Now it seems chemo has taken some of that away from him and it is incredibly frustrating to him. But for him it hasn't taken the reading aspect away. What it has taken away is processing. It is hard to see my brilliant husband struggle with processing how to do something as simple as paying a bill. He just can't remember what he did just a moment ago. Now this isn't every day. It's usually the week of treatment and then it calms down and he can process information and tasks well again, but people who know him can see that he isn't quite on task as he used to be. He isn't as quick with his thoughts. I know that he is scared that this will remain permanent. He relies on his brain extensively with his job. He is able to continue working and he still does very well at his job, but he and I both know that it isn't to the same level.

I on the other hand, am not having chemo, but I struggle with the very same things you speak about in your blog. I can't retain much of anything I read right now, and I was very much like you with my reading skills. I can't remember a blasted thing - what people have said, what I have said, what happened now, what happened long ago. I feel like a complete dunce where once I used to be smart. I'm so frustrated with it. And I know it is because I can't focus. I can't focus on anything long enough. I do something, jump up and have to do something else. I haven't read a book since this whole nightmare began. I have tried but I just can't get through it. For me I think it is fear over-crowding my mind. I'm so lost in fear and consumed in my husband, my kids, and myself that I have no room to read a book, create art as fast as I used to, etc. Cancer is so evil. It steals from not only the person it is inflicting, but the other people around them. I wonder if your husband struggled with this as well?

But one thing I want you to know, Michelle - I thank God that you made it! Keep going strong! You are certainly an inspiration, and I thank you for opening yourself up for others going through the same things. :)
January 5, 2010 at 7:06 AM

Monday, December 28, 2009

DECEMBER 28, 2009

So, my blogger peeps, I'll tell you a couple of things.  First, tomorrow is my 8th anniversary with my amazing husband, Levi.  I'm bummed that tomorrow we won't be able to be together, but we'll make up for it later.  :-)  I am so beyond happy to be his wife - he and I were friends for a couple of years before we got together, and there's nothing better than being married to your best friend.  He is the one person that I can be myself with all the time; he makes me laugh and can instantly make me feel better when I'm down.  There aren't words that can describe how much I adore him and how much I love him.

Which leads me to the next announcement - HE'S COMING HOME!!!!  By this time next week, he'll be on his way here...he and his mom are driving down starting Monday (assuming nothing happens between now and then).  No, we don't have a job solidified for him yet, but there are a few leads, so we're hoping for the best, at this point.  PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for us...

Additionally, I wanted to tell you what I did with those pictures that you saw earlier this week.  As you may know, the 
Colon Club produces a calendar called, appropriately enough, the Colondar.  It's a calendar featuring colon and rectal cancer survivors that were under the age of 50 when they were diagnosed.  Here is the link to their website with information about this year's models as well as previous year's models.

When Kim was still alive, she and I talked about applying her to be a model.  We even talked about doing it together.  Since she can't be here, I did it alone.  With her memory and her spirit and her courage helping me along.  And, with all of you behind me.  Alongside me.  Pulling me with you.  I submitted my application today, along with the pictures that Natty took of me.  I don't know when/if I will hear anything - they generally feature people with prominent stomach scars, and mine is not prominent.  As you can see, Nat and I chose to focus on my port scar.  That's the most visible one, and for me, the most important one.

This is a huge step for me - I can't imagine that I would have done this before cancer.  Matter of fact, I can say with almost 100% certainty that I would not have ever submitted an application to be a model in a calendat.  However, when I was diagnosed with cancer, everything in my life changed.  I figured, why shouldn't I apply to be in this calendar?  I already beat cancer.  I can do this.

There's more, but I want to wait until I know more details before I divulge information.  I have become fairly superstitious about things, and I don't want to jinx anything.  Perhaps the New Year will bring's hoping.

Meanwhile, Happy Anniversary to my husband.  I love you, and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. 


Heat said...

I'm glad Levi is coming home!!!

I'm proud of you for sending in those pics!! That's awesome!! Can't wait to hear which one they choose ;)
December 29, 2009 at 8:17 AM
Blogger Tina said...
I LOVE the Colonder! I'm so glad you applied, and I hope they chose you. I'm sure they will because the pics are BEAUTIFUL!
Its wonderful that you and Levi will finally be together as a family again!
Happy anniversary!
December 29, 2009 at 9:52 AM
Blogger natasha said...
I am The editor/writer with I really liked your site and i am interested in building a relationship with your site. We want to spread public awareness. I hope you can help me out. Your site is a very useful resource.

Please email me back with your URl in subject line to take a step ahead. To avoid spam.

Thank you,
December 30, 2009 at 11:11 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

I love the Colondar but wonder how the survivors have enough "guts" to show their scars? Mine is roughly 18 inches long. It's not something that I want to show anyone. Not that I'm ashamed from having Colon Cancer, only because I haven't gotten rid of the belly roll.
December 30, 2009 at 2:52 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009

DECEMBER 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to all of my friends, family, acquaintances, and the like.  I hope that, whether you celebrate this day for religious reasons, for cultural/social reasons, or just get to celebrate a day of not working, you had a wonderful day and spent time doing what you wanted to.

The kids and I spent last night with Mom, Dad, and my brother Jim at our house, munching on snacks and enjoying the company.  The kids were able to open a couple of present early.  We left the cookies and milk for Santa (in a ziploc bag, so that Santa could take it with him in the sleigh, since he's tight on time...), the reindeer food for the REAL hard workers on Christmas Eve, then headed to bed so the big guy could make his rounds.

This morning, the kids were up around 6am...which for me is sleeping in, but not as much as I wanted.  I got my shower and we took the presents under the tree (including the stockings that Santa filled) over to Mom and Dad house to celebrate the day with the family.

The kids were spoiled rotten today, as they should be.  We all wish that Levi could have been here, but that time is soon coming.

The rest of the weekend is going to be spent relaxing, getting caught up on emails/action items for CCA and i2y, and hopefully just enjoying time with everyone.

I hope that you and yours had a wonderful day, and that you enjoy the rest of the weekend.  More later....

Thursday, December 24, 2009

DECEMBER 24, 2009

While I'm not what you'd call religious, I love this time of year.  It seems to bring out the best in people (well, most people...).  There seems to be a little extra bounce in their step, it's easier for people to smile, and it's where people remember that life isn't something to be taken for granted.  I'm very lucky that Levi and I both subscribe to the concept that this time of year is about love, family, happiness, and togetherness.  While the annual visit from Santa is fun, we have tried to instill in our children that this time of year is about love.  Julia will tell you that the most important thing is love - I'm so proud of her.

Yesterday, I was at the post office.  I needed to get a few stamps to mail out a few straggling Christmas cards, and I was waiting in line for the automatic machine.  At the front of the line was a Phoenix police officer.  He was frustrated because all he wanted was 2 lonely little stamps.  The machine was out of the lables to print stamps.  Bummer.  I asked him if it would still distribute books of stamps.....he tried it, and lo and behold it did just that.  I was only trying to help - he got the stamps he needed, and was able to mail off whatever was needed.  Once he got his receipt, he dropped his envelopes in the box, then handed me the majority of the stamp book.  I pulled out my wallet and offered him money for the stamps.  Nope - he just wanted to do something nice.  Wow.  It's things like this that really help solidify my belief in the overall good of people.  (And, it's one of the reasons I'm SO PROUD to be associated with the fire and police departments across this amazing country - the people with these organizations are just amazing....)

I did go to the event at CTCA last night.  It was so good to be there - the people there were current patients, survivors, and caregivers.  All people who understand.  I met some amazing people and am going to have lunch with two of them next week.  I am really looking forward to it.

What else?  I think that's about it.  I will try to post pictures of the kids opening gifts tomorrow, once I get them.  Assuming I remember to charge the battery in my camera.  :-) 


I will post more about this in a week or so, but I'm working with a friend on a project, and she took photos of me to include in this project.  Suffice it to say that Natty is one of the most talented photographers I know, and she makes me look amazing....I just adore her.  (Randi - yes, this is for that...)
I am dressed.....I swear.... 






 Admittedly, this is my favorite picture.  


Mrs. Buv said...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!! I can't wait for "that"!!


December 25, 2009 at 12:29 PM
Blogger Jill said...
You are stunning! There pictures are so beautiful, thanks for sharing them :)
December 26, 2009 at 9:55 AM
Blogger Daria said...

Those are great pictures! Good for you.
December 28, 2009 at 12:49 PM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DECEMBER 23, 2009

Yes, it's been another week since I blogged.  I've been purposely avoiding the computer at home - I find that once I'm on it, I get sucked into it, and I struggle to get other things done.  And, when I'm rushing to get those other things done, I'm not enjoying them.  So, I've been ignoring the call of the blog from home.  I'm okay with it.

However, I feel like I've left you all hanging.  So, as an update, all is well here.  Well, relatively speaking.  The kids are really excited about the imminent arrival of Santa tomorrow night, and we are already having discussions about the cookies and milk to leave him, and the reindeer food to sprinkle on the front step.  We may have to do this at Mom and Dad's too, since Santa will be making an initial stop at our house to drop off the stockings, but will be making the majority of his yearly toy-box deposit at my mom and dad's house, so that we can all be together for the opening of the gifts.  We are going to have Christmas Eve at my house tomorrow night (so I can show off my house to my brother, who's in from England) and so the kids can get a good night's sleep before they go crazy on Christmas Day.

The presents are mostly wrapped, and there are no more purchases until after the holiday.  However, on the 26th, I plan on grabbing a few markdowns.  Always thinking ahead....

Tonight, I am heading to an event at CTCA (Cancer Treatment Centers of America) - they are having an open house for the Cancer Fighters group, of which I am a part.  Cancer Fighters is a program that pairs up survivors with patients (in- and out-).  I haven't been paired up with anyone yet, but I'm hopeful that I might meet some folks tonight.  I'm looking forward to it - I get such a charge from being at CTCA - it's like I can do good while I'm there, and have a postive impact on people.  My parents are going to get the kids today from daycare, so I can spend some time there making connections, etc.  I think this will be a wonderful experience, and getting to see the folks there that I love so much will only enhance the day.

Next week, I'm off of work.  And, the following week.  It's all good - I have a lot I need to get done.  While I wish I was getting paid for the first week in January, I can't dwell on it - until the paycheck comes in and I panic.  But, I'm not going to worry about that (too much) right now.

All right - back at it.  Have a good one.  I'll try to remember to post on Christmas.  If I forget (or am late), Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 


Whidbey Woman said...
Merry Christmas, Michelle. It is a joy to be your Internet buddy.
December 23, 2009 at 3:25 PM
Blogger Tina said...

Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful, peaceful, healthy New Year! Thanks for all your support this past year!!
December 23, 2009 at 3:38 PM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

DECEMBER 16, 2009

I thought I'd take a few moments to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.  I'm still here, just INCREDIBLY busy.  I haven't updated for several reasons, most of them that I'm tired of being on the computer after working all day, and my weekend have been jammed packed, so finding time when I would WANT to be on the computer is difficult.  Well, it is if I want to sleep.  :-)

Things have been super busy - last weekend, after my last very down post, I spent time with levi going over our options, and we have a game plan.  We'll see if it pans out - I'll let you know.  Last week was also very busy, but things are starting to slow down. There were things that I was going to tell you about, but I can't remember what they are!  See what happens when I don't inundate you with information?

Let's see - Saturday the 5th, Mom, Julia and I went to a walk at The Wellness Community - it was called a Cancer Walk and Hope Cafe, and it was truly something I needed.  Basically, they hosted a walk that was not cancer specific - just a general walk to support ALL cancer patients and survivors.  It was very very very cool.  We spent the majority of the day there, enjoying the gift of being in harmony with other survivors.  CTCA was a sponsor so I was able to catch up with a lot of my TWC and CTCA peeps.  Very cool.  And, my mom hasn't ever been to TWC, so this was awesome for me to share this with her.  Of course, Julia was a star and the sweetheart of the walk.  :-)  Here's a picture of Julia and me at the event - you'll see balloons. They had balloons to represent the various forms of cancer at the event, and seeing the hundreds of people walking down the street with these balloons overhead was SPECTACULAR!

Sunday, I think the kids spent the day at Mom and Dad's, and I did my errands, cleaned the house, etc.  The week went by okay - just busy at work, and this past weekend was busy as well.  Saturday, I hosted an i2y (I'm Too Young For This) event at my house, and then afterwards, I had a Lia Sophia party that was a TON of fun.  Sunday we had a kind of second Thanigsiving with Mom and Dad.  

This week has been super busy at work, but it's all good.  This week I'm back to full hours, so while I will miss my extra half-day off on Fridays, I will enjoy the money back in my bank account.  This Friday night, I have something to go to, then Saturday and Sunday will hopefully be spent doing the final shopping, wrapping, and getting the gingerbread house and Santas sleigh set up (so much fun!).  

So, I mentioned in the title that I passed another important anniversary - on Sunday, December 13th, I (sort of) celebrated one year since I completed chemo.  On Dcember 13th of 2008, I had my chemo pump removed for the final time.  I thought I was going to celebrate this in a much more obvious fashion, but honestly, the day kind of passed without much to-do.  All in all, that's okay.  It was important to me, and I know what it meant.  Mostly, I'm happy to be able to say that I am now officially one-year out from chemo.  Pretty awesome.

Tomorrow is my brother's 30th birthday, and he gets here from England on Monday.  I am so excited to see him, and to show him my home and my kids.  

I think that's about it.  More in a bit.


Tina said...
Glad you and Levi had a chance to make a plan--hope it works! Glad also that you are keeping busy, you are a wonderful, fun momma!
Even though your husband is not with you (I can't imagine how hard that must be!), I hope you enjoy having a Christmas full of energy and fun!
December 16, 2009 at 7:31 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Yay for plans! Makes you feel a smidgen more in control :) Here's hoping your plan is a success! Sounds like you've been insanely busy - 'tis the season, I suppose!! Glad to hear all is well!
December 17, 2009 at 2:55 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Happy Chemo-free Anniversary! That is awesome. Have a nice holiday!
December 17, 2009 at 7:12 PM

Friday, December 4, 2009

DECEMBER 4, 2009

I hate this.  Levi just called.  He went to his boss, asking about the situation with the job.  Should he plan to come home?  This is what we both want.  Without a doubt.  I need him home.  He needs to be here.  He's been waiting for an answer from his boss for almost two weeks.

Today, he got the answer, and now he's in New York until after the first of the year.

Damn it.

I'm going to cry.  Right here at work.  Yes, it's unprofessional.  I don't care.  I can't stand it.  The thought of being away from my husband for this long....the kids being away from their Daddy......him being away from am I going to explain to Julia especially that her Daddy isn't going to be here for Christmas?

For yet another missed holiday.  For our anniversary.  For New Year's.  Since we've been together, we haven't missed this season together.  And now, we are.  After last year's holiday (which I was so sick and exhausted for), I was SO looking forward to enjoying and celebrating this year's holiday season.  And, I will...I will force myself to.  But, I won't be able to spend it with the one person that I was REALLY looking forward to spending time with.  We are going to miss our 8th wedding anniversary together.  Julia and Kevin aren't going to be able to spend Christmas with their Daddy.  He's going to miss this very special day with his kids - what's he going to do on that day?  Sit in my parent's house?  Alone?

I hate this situation.  I can't express to you in words the emotions raging through me right now.  Anger, frustration, extreme sadness, disappointment.  I'm so upset.  Why is this happening to us?  What could we possibly have done that was so horrible as to deserve this kind of result?  This isn't in some master plan - I'm sure of it.  There cannot possibly be a logical, ulterior reason for us to suffer the way we have been.  There just can't be.  I have no faith that this will work out as part of some master plan to make us stronger.  Screw that.  I don't want to subscribe to some thinking that what I'm going through is going to make us stronger or lead us to something better.  This can't possibly be the case.  If it is, at what point will the good come about?  I've been asking for it for a while - hasn't come through yet.  Doesn't seem to be on the horizon.  That I have to suffer this much for something positive seems to be the most ass-backwards way of thinking right now.  How's about using some logic and reason?

I didn't need this today.  Of all days, I didn't need to cry today.  And yet, it's inevitable.


Update:  I still think this sucks, and I still stand by my previous post, but I wanted to let you know that I'm feeling better.  Still not woo-hoo, but I'm coming to terms with this situation.  For now. I still don't know how I'm going to tell Julia about her Daddy missing Christmas - I have NO idea how I'm going to handle that.  But, like everything else over the past couple of years, I will handle it.  Maybe not with all the grace and dignity I'd like to, but I will handle it and I will move forward and I will make the best with what I have.

Blech.  I need a drink.  Hey Jim and Tom - is it 5 o'clock where you are yet? 


jnwhiteh said...
It's definitely 5:00 somewhere =(. I loveyou!
December 4, 2009 at 1:07 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Michelle, So sorry to hear the news. I am sure there are other families in your situation... especially with the economy the way it is. People have to travel far to find work! Then there's the military, too. I know if you could afford it you'd fly the family out to see him for the holidays. It hurts me to see you and so many others suffer from separation. God bless.
December 4, 2009 at 6:36 PM
Blogger Amie said...

Michelle, Hang in there :). I understand what you are going through on the flip side of the coin. Trust me, I ask myself the same questions: Why am I going through what I am and what for? Why do I have to struggle and will it make me a stronger person or just destroy me emotionally? I am here for you if you ever need to vent or cry..I have been there many times. It will get better...I always say this to myself because it has to and I know it will happen for you both too! I am going to try to blog more and see if that helps me during this rough time. You are an inspiration of strength to me :). I know we can't talk as much as we would like, but let's keep up at least thru each other blogs until then. I love ya and hope for the best to bring Levi home soon.
December 9, 2009 at 6:46 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

DECEMBER 1, 2009

There are times when I wonder when this roller coaster is going to stop.  Will it?  I have hopes, and I have doubts.  Levi and I have been talking about his potential return to AZ.  Now, that looks like it's postponed/cancelled.

I want to cry.  Right here.  Right now.  Just sit down and blat.

But I can't.  I have things to do, and crying isn't going to resolve anything.  I might shed a few tears later tonight once the kids are in bed, but I will wait.

Is it too much to ask for?  I think it's a fairly small list - a good-paying job for Levi (just enough to allow us to pay the bills would be nice) that will allow him to come home.  I know that I should be (and I am) grateful for my health.  I am very grateful.  But, it would be SO nice to be able to celebrate this health with my husband.

I want him home.  Now.  I can't believe that this month will be 8 months that he's been gone.  And, it's now been almost 4 months since I saw him last.  Doesn't seem possible.  And yet, it's been forever.

I feel like I need to tell my story to the world.  Shouldn't there be something done to right this wrong?  Shouldn't there be people shouting from the rooftops that what's happened to hardworking folks is an injustice, particularly while there are people being paid millions of dollars to play baseball, act in a movie, or sing a song (sometimes, badly)?  Where are our priorities?

*sigh*  I need a hug from my hubby.


Jill said...
(((hugs))) I know that is not exactly what you are looking for... but I'm thinking of you.
December 1, 2009 at 8:46 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

I can't imagine being without Phil for eight months! I hope this situation gets worked out soon.
December 3, 2009 at 2:29 PM

Saturday, November 28, 2009

NOVEMBER 28, 2009

Yes, I'm a couple of days late, but I have an excuse.  I was sick.  Again.  Blergh.  I think it might just be allergies (a result of a twisted desire to spend a traditionally winter holiday with the windows open in the house, I'm sure) but I'm monitoring symptoms, to be sure.

Anyways, Thanksgiving was good.  We had made plans with friends to come over for a potluck Thanksgivin dinner.  The kids and I spent Wednesday night cleaning (because it just wouldn't do to have friends come over to a messy house....), then Thursday morning putting up Christmas decorations and the tree while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (another tradition).  After we got dressed, I made my contributions to the potluck, the apple pie and the mashed potatoes.  Well, I peeled the potatoes, and learned a very important lesson - DON'T PUT POTATO PEELS DOWN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL.  After a moment (or several moments) of panic, my next door neighbor came over to rescue my sink and my dinner from utter potato failure.  He was able to fix it, and I am forever grateful.  Friends came over, and we had a wonderful dinner.  All of the food was DELICIOUS, and the best part was that none of us had to cook everything by ourselves.  Might be the best part of the holiday.

Friday was good - I was able to pick up a couple of things on amazon for the kids and Levi (courtesy of free shipping and some gift cards I received from a website I subscribe to).  My allergies were at an all-time high that day, and a 2-hour nap seemed to help a lot.  Last night was spent vegging.

Today, the kids and I are getting my parents house ready for their imminent arrival (in about 8 hours...), which is very exciting.  It's been a really nice weekend, without deadlines and huge responsibilities.  Truly wonderful.

If you need a smile today, please check 
this link out.  I saw it this morning and it made me smile and laugh out loud.  I hope it does the same for you.


Tina said...
Snowmen on your blog? You must be missing Minnesota ;)
Hope you are feeling better. Allergies are bad here too because its not real cold yet (high in the mid-40's today). That's the only good thing about snow! The steroid I get during chemo keeps my allergies from getting too bad. I think I'll miss that steroid!
November 28, 2009 at 9:50 AM
Blogger Michelle said...
LOL! Missing MN? Um, no. Not at all. I just like should see my house. It's full of snowmen....even my nativity scene is little snowmen.
November 28, 2009 at 7:22 PM


Woke up this morning to the Muppets singing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.  *sweet*

Had a good day with the kids.  Got Mom and Dad's house ready for their imminent arrival.  Came home, got my coupons cut and put in my book, and was able to do some of the things on my to-do list that have been sitting there for too long.  #awesome

Went to the mailbox and my Christmas photo cards came.  $3.17 for 50 cards x 2 (the beauty of having multiple email accounts).  #freaking rocks

Mom and Dad got her.  Helped them unpack the house, had dinner, then off to Sam's to pick up the rest of the must-have groceries.

All in all, a good day.  Now, if I could stop having to blow my nose, all would be perfect.  (Well, that and having my hubby here...)