Saturday, November 28, 2009

NOVEMBER 28, 2009

Yes, I'm a couple of days late, but I have an excuse.  I was sick.  Again.  Blergh.  I think it might just be allergies (a result of a twisted desire to spend a traditionally winter holiday with the windows open in the house, I'm sure) but I'm monitoring symptoms, to be sure.

Anyways, Thanksgiving was good.  We had made plans with friends to come over for a potluck Thanksgivin dinner.  The kids and I spent Wednesday night cleaning (because it just wouldn't do to have friends come over to a messy house....), then Thursday morning putting up Christmas decorations and the tree while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (another tradition).  After we got dressed, I made my contributions to the potluck, the apple pie and the mashed potatoes.  Well, I peeled the potatoes, and learned a very important lesson - DON'T PUT POTATO PEELS DOWN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL.  After a moment (or several moments) of panic, my next door neighbor came over to rescue my sink and my dinner from utter potato failure.  He was able to fix it, and I am forever grateful.  Friends came over, and we had a wonderful dinner.  All of the food was DELICIOUS, and the best part was that none of us had to cook everything by ourselves.  Might be the best part of the holiday.

Friday was good - I was able to pick up a couple of things on amazon for the kids and Levi (courtesy of free shipping and some gift cards I received from a website I subscribe to).  My allergies were at an all-time high that day, and a 2-hour nap seemed to help a lot.  Last night was spent vegging.

Today, the kids and I are getting my parents house ready for their imminent arrival (in about 8 hours...), which is very exciting.  It's been a really nice weekend, without deadlines and huge responsibilities.  Truly wonderful.

If you need a smile today, please check 
this link out.  I saw it this morning and it made me smile and laugh out loud.  I hope it does the same for you.


Tina said...
Snowmen on your blog? You must be missing Minnesota ;)
Hope you are feeling better. Allergies are bad here too because its not real cold yet (high in the mid-40's today). That's the only good thing about snow! The steroid I get during chemo keeps my allergies from getting too bad. I think I'll miss that steroid!
November 28, 2009 at 9:50 AM
Blogger Michelle said...
LOL! Missing MN? Um, no. Not at all. I just like should see my house. It's full of snowmen....even my nativity scene is little snowmen.
November 28, 2009 at 7:22 PM


Woke up this morning to the Muppets singing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.  *sweet*

Had a good day with the kids.  Got Mom and Dad's house ready for their imminent arrival.  Came home, got my coupons cut and put in my book, and was able to do some of the things on my to-do list that have been sitting there for too long.  #awesome

Went to the mailbox and my Christmas photo cards came.  $3.17 for 50 cards x 2 (the beauty of having multiple email accounts).  #freaking rocks

Mom and Dad got her.  Helped them unpack the house, had dinner, then off to Sam's to pick up the rest of the must-have groceries.

All in all, a good day.  Now, if I could stop having to blow my nose, all would be perfect.  (Well, that and having my hubby here...)

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