Saturday, November 21, 2009

NOVEMBER 21, 2009

The Phoenix Undy 5000 was a rousing success.  I don't have the mental capability right now to put adequate words to the event....I'm so tired.  But, I felt like I needed to record this now, and I can put more later.  Tentative numbers are that we had around 1,000 people and that we raised around $100,000.  Final numbers will be released in the next couple of weeks, but the CCA national folks were pleased.  That's enough for me.

I do have pictures - I'll put them on at the end of this posting.  I can say that this was an amazing event, and to be a part of this event coming together was unbelievable.  To know that it all came together as well as it did - well, it's overwhelming.  Truly.

I got up at 4:15 this morning, and was out of the house at 5:00.  Made the obligatory stop at Dunkin' Donuts (it was early in the AM after all), then off to the race location.  Got there and parked about 5:50, and off we went with getting things set up.  We had people on-site by about 7am, but most started getting there by 7:30.  The kids and my friend Seana got there around 8am.  The turnout was amazing, the costumes and outfits were hysterical (including a woman who was in a full-body stocking that made it appear that she was nearly naked!), and the teams were so wonderful to see.  I had the opportunity to meet people that I've only had the chance to talk with on-line (Wanda!!!), to see others that I haven't seen in too long (Randi, Erin, Laura...), and to meet others that I've wanted to meet for a while (Jasmine, Andy).  It was amazing to walk around and have people say hello, know who I am, and to recognize so many friendly faces.

The race started on time, with the 1-mile runners starting at 8:45, followed shortly thereafter by the singing of the National Anthem (next year, this will happen sooner), then the running of the 5-k'ers.  I didn't walk or run (for a variety of reasons), but this worked out well since I was able to take a breather, then walk around, greet people, and just work the crowd, so to speak.

After the race was over, we had a survivor ceremony that I spoke at.  It was truly a humbling, wonderful, honored experience to be able to stand up in front of this crowd that meant so much to me last year, but to be up there this year as a survivor and one of the people that helped this event come to fruition.

Needless to say, I'm tired.  I'm pooped, but it's that kind of exhaustion that comes with a good feeling of success.  Jasmine asked me if this was like when I got married, and it was funny - that's exactly how I was thinking I was going to describe it when I wrote this blog.  It's truly like your wedding day, in that all of this planning goes into the day, then on the actual day of the event, it's over before you know it.  And, you didn't get any of the pictures that you wanted, you didn't get to do nearly what you thought you would be able to do, but it was wildly successful nonetheless.

So, as promised, here are the photos....
My girlfriend Randi, me and a lady that we convinced to wear the panties that she had stashed in her pocket.  She wasn't going to, but with our amazing skills, we got her to put them on.  She came up to me after the race and thanked us (she said my sister and I - Randi is a sister of my heart, to be sure) for getting her ready to take this step.  She said she didn't know anyone with this disease but she wanted to help.  So, I formally introduced myself to her, called her friend, and now, she's stuck with me and the cause.  :-)

Randi and her family allowed us to use her mother's story and picture in our "Faces of Colon Cancer" display.  This came out unbelievably amazing - so much better than I could have ever planned for. 

Two of my sisters-of-the-heart, Randi and Erin. 

Racing in the undies, despite the chilly temps.  (Chilly is relative - I think it was 70 by the time I left at 11:30.) 

This couple had me in stitches - THIS is what makes this race so fun! 

There were several dogs there in undies... 

My fellow board member and survivor Anne's Faces display. 

The view... 

Kevin, me, Shelia, and Anne - the survivors on the board.


We had a wall for people to post "In Honor Of" and "In Memory Of" and tell others who they were there racing for.  Very emotional and very powerful.

The dogs were so fun to watch - there's nothing funnier than seeing a dog in boxers!  

I displayed the quilt my aunt made me, and it was such a huge hit.  There had to have been hundreds of pictures taken of it today, and people were just completely in love with it.  This WILL be my signature piece - thanks again, Aunt Nancy! 

My good friend Anissa and me.  The shirt is from Cancer Treatment Centers of America, and the saying is "Whoever said winning isn't everything never had to fight cancer!"  Damn straight! 

Anne and me. 

My new friend Vera and my quilt.  She lost her dad to this disease earlier this year, and has become an advocate.  She's amazing. 

 Another puppy!

 Ariel is one of the doctors that has been influential in getting this race up and going, and making it so successful.  She sang the National Anthem for us (and did an amazing job) and she is someone I'm proud to call friend.

This is Wanda.  She and I met on-line and I've been talking with her through her journey - she just completed  chemo (which you wouldn't know by looking at her!), and she's truly an inspiration.  We have spoken several times, but this was the first time we have ever met in person.  I was so happy to finally give her a hug.  She's amazing, and I'm SO PROUD of her.  Love you, Wanda!  

All in all, this was an amazing event to be a part of.  I wish that my family could have been here, but that's what next year will be for.  Meantime, it's time to start working the March events (Dress in Blue Day, the Bike Rally, and the Phoenix Suns game to benefit the CCA), and to get started on next year's Undy.

First, I'm going to take a nap, maybe have a glass of wine, and relish in the success that was today.  


so proud of you!
thought of you all day today, what an amazing day!
lots of love, girlie!
November 21, 2009 at 6:43 PM

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