Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NOVEMBER 24, 2009

I haven't had "one of those days" in a while.  I mean, I definitely have days where I stay up at night wondering, how?  Why?  When?  But, it's been a while since I 've had a day that I felt compelled to blog about.  Until today.  These past couple of weeks have been chaos, to say the least.  I've been running in too many directions, and I knew there was going to be a time when I dropped one of the proverbial balls.

Yup.  Dropped it today - big time.  Dumb ass.

I was trying to be efficient last week.  Knowing how the weekend was shaping up to be, and knowing that the last thing on my mind after the Undy was going to be paying bills, I tried to be proactive and pay bills Thursday night, to be paid on Friday morning.  Went and did this, and realized that a couple of them wouldn't allow me to post-date a payment, so to speak.  So, I THOUGHT I cancelled the power company's payment.

Turns out, I confirmed it, then paid it again on Friday morning.  And, now my bank account is short by that $150.

To top it all off, I got home tonight and my water was shut off.  I knew I was a month behind - didn't realize I was TWO months behind, and poof.  No water.  No warning, and no water.  Great.  (It's back on now, but still...)

I called to see if I could squeak out a payment plan on the water.  And I could - if they hadn't just shut it off.  Now, I owe them the money past due (~$70), plus the reconnect fee of $70.  Um, what?  And, to get it turned back on tonight so we could, um, bathe and flush the toilet - yeah, that's another $10.  And to pay by check - $2.25 per check.  This sucked b/c I was trying to break up the pain by taking the money out of two separate accounts.

I am now sitting here feeling like dog crap.  I called Levi to tell him, and we have no solution.  I already pulled what I could out of my 401k.  Anything else will constitute a loan.  I have nothing left in reserves that I can spare, so that's not good.  And, Levi doesn't get paid until Friday.  Right now, it's a waiting game to see who beats the path to the account first - Levi's check on Friday, or the two outstanding checks for the truck payment and the daycare check that haven't posted yet.  Here's hoping (insert eye roll here).

This just blows.  This past week or two haves been so hard on me, emotionally.  Not having him here gets harder and harder each day.  I feel like it's a struggle to get up in the morning - I do, and I'm okay with it.  I just wish that he was here.  I feel like my other half is missing.  Then, I do this and see the repercussions.  And have to call him to tell him.  It's just so damn hard.

We have had a few small bites on jobs for Levi, but most people a) want him to start tomorrow or b) won't hire him sight unseen.  Okay - those definitely pose obstacles for us, and understandably so.  Why would you hire someone you've never seen in person, based on his assertion that he's a "good guy".  But, still - how's he supposed to get a job while he's there?  So, we are contemplating him coming home.  For a variety of reasons - there are definitely pros and cons, and we are waiting on some information from someone to determine whether the pros outweigh the cons.  It would be a risk to bring him home without a job, but then, he's not going to get a job if he's not here.

And, to add to all of this loveliness, they announced a furlough at work last week, and my whole company is going to shut down for the first week of January.  No pay.  No vacation can be taken.  Which means that the first paycheck of 2010 will be halved, plus that's the one that the increase in medical benefits hits.  Great.

*sigh*  Just a small break.  Really.  Is that too much to ask?  I don't think it is.  I am so tired.  I am so lonely.  And, I am so aggravated.  But, it's like I don't even have the energy to be aggravated. 


Whidbey Woman said...

I hate how one little thing can snowball into a HUGE financial mess. It is so hard to crawl out of that hole! Most of us have been there before (some more than others- Lol). It must be hard to face the holidays knowing that an unpaid furlough is coming, and Levi's work situation is less than ideal. All I can say, is lay your financial worries at the foot of the cross. God will see you through it in His own way and in His own timing. Hugs.
November 24, 2009 at 7:58 PM

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