Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NOVEMBER 4, 2009

As much as I'd like to be able to tell you that my cold is gone and I'm back at 100%, I can't.  Well, I could, but I'd be lying, and I don't like to do that to you all.  Saturday I was feeling pretty good - I went to my CCA meeting, came home and napped, then took the kids out for dinner and then trick-or-treating.  A wonderful day, and I'm glad I was feeling up to it.  Sunday, though, this thing came back with a vengence.  Monday wasn't too bad, but yesterday - well, I ended up going home from work and sleeping from 11:15 until 3:30.  I felt better, and I do feel better today, but definitely not completely well.  I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10, I'm at about a 4 or 5.  Yesterday was more like a 2.  So, I'm getting better, but I'm hoping that the number keeps heading up.

It was interesting, trying to talk myself into going home from work yesterday.  I wanted to work through my illness, because that's what I would normally do.  Well, Michelle-before-cancer would normally do that.  Now, though - I actually had a discussion with myself (am I the only person that does this?) that basically consisted of reminding myself of what I went through last year, and that while I wasn't sick like last year, I knew that my body needed to rest in order to get better.  By using the logic that I didn't get through cancer just to suffer from a cold, I was able to convince myself that going home was the right idea.

Other than that, I have been super, crazy, wicked, awfully busy with Undy stuff.  2 1/2 weeks left.  I can't believe it's coming up so quickly, and yet I can't wait until it's over.  By the way, thanks to those of you that have donated so far!  You know who you are, and I appreciate it more than I can ever tell you.  I know that some of you can't afford much at all (if anything), so what you donated, I am beyond grateful for.  *hugs*

Again, there's more I'd like to post about but I can't think of it right now.  This cold is just taking everything out of me.  This is no time for me to be sick.....but, I'll make it through.  Just know that (because I know you all are going to worry) that I am sleeping, taking my vitamins, and not allowing what's going on affect my sleep.  I won't.  I learned that I need to listen to body and that's what has to take priority.   

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