Thursday, October 29, 2009

OCTOBER 29, 2009

I really need to start writing down on a list the things that I'd like to cover in this blog.  I think of things, know that they would make a great topic, and then promptly forget them.  *sigh*  So, I'll try to remember the top 2 things.  We'll see if it happens.

First, I wanted to mention that this cold and my body are still in a war to see who will win.  I will say that my body is putting up a hell of a fight.  I think all those months of fighting off the cancer and then the chemo were just prepping them for this cold.  LOL!  Anyways, today it's a battle of the congested chest, stuffy nose, post-nasal drip, and exhaustion.  Yup - it's a full-blown war.  I FEEL okay, so far, but as the day wears on, I am starting to wear out.  Hopefully, I can stay up long enough to watch CSI tonight.

Priorities, people.  Priorities.

Second, I have to complain a little bit.  During chemo last year, my sensitivity to cold temps, items, etc. was comical.  It became a joke around my house, and me not being able to pick up the milk jug, juice container, etc. without gloves (in Arizona) was cause for laughter.  (Not at me - BY me.)  It got old by this time last year, but the end was in sight.  Or so I thought.  I will say that it's gotten 95% better.  Not 100%.  I still have trouble holding REALLY cold things, i.e. a cold can of soda, a bag of veggies from the freezer, etc.  It causes really cold electrical chills to run up my arms and makes me drop whatever it is that I'm holding.  Not impressive when I'm in the grocery store and trying to load up on bagged veggies (which I got for free using my coupons, thank you very much!) while herding the kids.

The other issue I have found with this, and I'm not sure if this is a reaction to the Oxi I was on, or my blood thinning out from living in AZ (perhaps a combo of both?), is that I am SO sensitive to the cold weather this year.  For most of the country, 60 degrees at the end of October seems like a wonderful thing - for me, it's reason to pull out, and I'm serious, my layers (think, tank top and heavy sweater or sweatshirt), then my jacket, AND to use my heater in the car.  I turned the heater in the house on.  When we walked out of the house this morning, it was 42 degrees.  Brrrrr.....  To put this in perspective, it was 85 over the weekend.  Um, freaking cold today.  No wonder I'm coming down with a cold.

It's just interesting to me that I've had such a reaction to the cold this year.  Even last year, I wasn't this sensitive to the cold overall.  In all fairness, this time last year, I also didn't have a reaction to sunlight because I was fairly unconscious for most of the month.  :-)  Probably not a good comparison.

There were other things, but I can repost as I think of them. 


Tina said...
Hope you win the cold war :)
Thanks for posting about some of the lasting side effects. I DO NOT, however find the cold sensitivity funny (most of the time). Its really annoying, because I love cold things so much, and I hope it goes away QUICKLY! :P I do know what you mean about being unconscious for most of the month!! Jeepers--the "awake" days are getting fewer and sure are precious!
October 29, 2009 at 1:00 PM
Blogger Heat said...
It dropped 25 degrees overnight! Literally! Of COURSE you're cold!!!

I'm freezing ... but sweater weather for me is below 80 :)
October 29, 2009 at 7:18 PM
Blogger Tom said...
The sweater-at-60 phenomenon is a common one in AZ. Don't worry, it's not just you.
October 30, 2009 at 4:01 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
LOL - in Michigan, we can sunbathe when it's 60 degrees if we're desperate enough, LOL! Not that I can complain, we were in the 60's yesterday, which is insane for us this late in October. I'm surprised we haven't seen snow yet :)
October 30, 2009 at 7:48 AM
Blogger Elizabeth Wilcox said...
Thanks for posting a nice blog.I know you will win to the war.just believe to your self,and you can do it...thanks again for the nice article.

Elizabeth Wilcox
November 2, 2009 at 9:47 PM
Blogger Caroline said...

I write myself notes so I remember what to blog about....I blame chemo brain...
November 3, 2009 at 4:21 PM

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