Friday, October 2, 2009

OCTOBER 2, 2009

This is a song that has captured my heart recently. It's Kenny Chesney's newest song, called "I'm Aline." It's a duet with Dave Matthews, and honestly, I didn't care for this song at first. I wasn't sure that I liked it. Now, it's one of my favorites. It reminds me of a calm, overcast day....not a sad day, but one of those quiet, misty rainy days that make you want to listen to the patter of the water on the patio and contemplate life while watching a silly movie, all while cuddling with your honey. I hope you enjoy it.

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This is a fascinating article that is from the Boston Globe that gives some information on the wave of pink nausea that is invading your stores. Go into any retail store this month - you'll see what I mean. I walked into Sam's Club this week and was physically nauseated by the sight of the entire entry way crowded with pink-saturated paper towels, water bottles, toilet paper, clothes, food, and purses. REALLY?

I think this article really said it in a way that can be understood - it's how I feel. It's not that I don't support the cause, because I do. However, when the very patients that this is supposed to be helping are tired of seeing pink.....well, perhaps it's time to re-think the strategy.

How many days until November 1?


Heat said...
awwww... but my birthday is in october. and fall is in october. let's just get rid of the pink instead of hating on october ;)
October 2, 2009 at 10:06 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Thanks for sharing it. I posted a link on my FB page. I agree with you, I support the cause. But this is getting ridiculous. Other cancers have their "colors" but you don't see those in the stores.
How much do these companies really care anyway? They are just making a buck.
October 3, 2009 at 4:45 PM

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