Sunday, October 18, 2009

OCTOBER 18, 2009

Yesterday was a fairly busy day.  Well, all right, the morning was.  The kids and I headed to a CCA meeting in the morning.  The meeting was VERY successful, and the planning for the Undy is going really well.  It's so exciting to know that we are planning something that I enjoyed so much last year.  Knowing that someone else might get the same feeling this year is pretty incredible.

After the meeting, I was pooped and napped while Kevin wrecked the house :-) and Julia read some books.  After dinner and dessert, we all headed to bed.  I spent several hours cutting coupons, which I used some of this morning to get groceries.

Today was successful - groceries, cleaned the house, and got some paperwork for CCA done.  Now, it's off to get Julia and Kevin their baths, dinner, and then workout.  My friend Amie sent me the Zumba DVD, so I'm thinking I'll try that.

Tomorrow, Andrea with CCA is coming into town and we are meeting with her tomorrow night for dinner.  I'm excited, as I haven't ever met her but we speak all the time.  Always good to put a face with a name!

More later in the week...

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