Wednesday, October 21, 2009

OCTOBER 21, 2009

Well, Kevin started school yesterday.  I was afraid that I'd be nervous and crying and worried for him.  He took care of all of that when the bus pulled up to the house, and he left the front door at daycare yelling "Bye, Mommy!  Bye, Kelly!" and running onto the bus.  No hesitation, no worries, and no concerns.  He was SO EXCITED that he was going to school.  I am going to email the teacher today to see how he did, but since he's being allowed to go back today, I have to assume that all went fairly well.  :-)

Monday night, I had dinner with the girls (well, most of them) from CCA, including someone from national that I haven't met yet.  It was a good time - we got a lot accomplished and I'm SO excited for the Undy 5000.  Mom and I are going to work on getting my team registered this week - I'm thinking the name I'm going to go with is "Cancerella's Cancer Kickers."  I figured that, since I'm representing the national organization and a member of the board, I shouldn't put "Colon Cancer Ass-Kickers" as my team logo.  Doesn't mean I don't want to, but I have to be politically correct.  That, and I know that the kids will be there.  Can't have them running around yelling "My mommy's a colon cancer ass-kicker!"  Hmmm...wait.  That is a really good idea....

I digress...

Anyways, things are ramping up for the Undy.  I hope to have my team link this week, with the information begging you all for money to come shortly.  Last year, I raised over $1,000.  I'd like to do the same thing this year.

What else?  I think that's about it.  For now.  Give me a couple of minutes - I'll think of something else, I'm sure.

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