Thursday, October 8, 2009

OCTOBER 8, 2009

I have been invited to take part in an amazing event tonight. The town I live in has amazing recreational facilities...among them, a tennis facility. I'm not a tennis player, but I will be having dinner tonight on the tennis courts, with the players. HOW COOL!

Cancer Treatment Centers of America has it's annual 
Tennis Championship event this weekend, and I was asked to attend the invitation-only pre-dinner this evening. 150 of my closest friends (LOL) and I will be having dinner on the courts, and will have the chance meet the players, including (!!!) Andre Agassi. Um, I don't know tennis, but I know his name. YIKES!

I don't really know what to expect, other than dinner. I know that it's an intimate event, kind of special to be invited, and I am beyond excited for this. I will post over the weekend and let you know what happens.

I visited CTCA last week (or the week before....I can't remember) I went to visit with the people that I know there and had a meeting with the marketing people. That's when I was invited. I am just completely blown away by this - it's such an honor, and to be able to attend because I can bring the kids - well, that's pretty damn cool. It's going to be an amazing opportunity to be a part of something pretty special, and to get some awesome networking contacts. I have stocked up my business card holders (I did finally get my i[2]y business cool), so hopefully, I'll hand them ALL OUT tonight.

And, yes, I am taking the camera. :-)


can i hop a plane now?
pics are mandatory, I would give ANYTHING to be there with you tonight!!!
have an amazing time, say hi to andre for me!!!
lucky duck...
October 8, 2009 at 2:12 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...
I am so proud of you. I know I tell you this all the time, but I am! You are amazing and this gift of being able to speak and convey what you need to say to get the word out about Colon Cancer is wonderful. Keep up the good work! Hugs!
October 8, 2009 at 5:08 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
OMG... He is so good looking!
I am jealous!!!
October 8, 2009 at 6:08 PM


Well, I didn't meet Andre. He wasn't there. Does it count that I was within 100 feet of Jim Courier? I don't know who he is, but I'm told he's a big tennis player. Hmm...

The night was amazing - I made some great connections, have an awesome opportunity for networking, and just had a wonderful time. I only got one picture - it's hard to try to manage the two kids in a formal environment plus get pictures....but, they had photographers there and took tons of pics of us, so I'm hoping that we'll see something soon.

More tomorrow - I have a date with CSI now....

I miss Grissom.....and Warrick.....LOVE Nick. :-)

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