Saturday, October 17, 2009

OCTOBER 17, 2009

Real quick update:
  • Meds on my face worked well last night.  The infection has gone down - still there, still visible, but the antibiotic gel definitely had an effect on the area.  Still tender and sore, but there's significant relief knowing that the area is healing.  *fingers crossed*
  • Heading off to a Central AZ Colon Cancer Alliance meeting this morning.  Planning for the Undy 5000, plus updates on the golf tournament and other items.  6 weeks-ish and counting.  Holy cow!
  • Um, there was more to post here but I can't remember what it is.  Hmmm.....I will probably remember while I'm driving and then promptly forget.  
  • Oh - I had dinner with Randi and Mike last night - so much fun, and so wonderful.  They are just the sweetest people, funny and kind and I am so blessed to consider them friends.  

All right, peeps....have a good weekend.  Hoping the summer heads back to the Southern Hemisphere soon - it's supposed to be record-breaking heat this weekend - over 100.  I know, I shouldn't complain, but REALLY?  It's October.

*sigh*  It's not's not long as I keep repeating that, I'll be okay.

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