Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MAY 12, 2009

Some of you have seen the blogs I added to the main page. Please check out Kim's blog, and pray for her. She is battling stage four colon cancer (she's 29...), and has had a pretty bad week thus far. I spent almost two hours tonight with her, and it was wonderful. She's an amazing person, and someone that (in, really, five days of friendship) I consider a close friend. We have amazing similarities in our lives, and I am just hoping that she can kick this thing in the ass.

*sigh* This just frustrates me, and pisses me off. It makes what I am fighting for everyday that much more important, and fuels my fight. It hurts my soul, though. I have another friend, Betty, that is also in the hospital, battling her own demons related to this disease. I tried to call Betty today, got her husband, and it wasn't a good time. Things were clearly not going well when I called. I am hoping to get a hold of someone tomorrow. Betty's been in the hospital for a long while (almost a month now?), and has taken a turn for the worse. Not good news.

My spirit is pained today. I worry about them, and I think about what I have. I thank God everyday that I have been given the chance to fight my battle, win, and fight back. I need to do something more with what I have been given - with this second chance at life.

Things like this make me re-evaluate my long-term goals. They make me re-evaluate what I want to do. Makes me think. I need to do something more. I need to have more of an effect on the world. I need to do something more tangible with this.

And, in a perfect world, someone would pay me to advocate for this, and allow me to do what I truly want to do in life - make a difference.


Amanda: said...
Hang in there, sweetie. Many prayers going up for your friend.

As for geocaching - it's like a treasure hunt for grown-ups. The website is: http://www.geocaching.com/

All you need is a GPS. People hide geocaches, list the coordinates of where they're located, you plug them into your handheld GPS and go find them :)
May 13, 2009 at 7:48 AM
Blogger Nancy said...
okay sweetie....I am getting those prayers out and will add both of these special ladies to our church prayer list tonight....God will do what he knows is best and you keep believing that.I pray every day for your strength to continue and you follow your calling Michelle.Please keep me up with the progress of both of these ladies.Bless you sweetie...Lord watch over these special ladies and hold them close to you..wrap you loving arms around them.....all my love
May 13, 2009 at 7:56 AM
Blogger Tina said...
I am praying for Kim...so young! TOO young! ARGH! It is frustrating.
Michelle you already are doing SOOO much! You've been such a blessing to me, Kim, and many others. I feel better knowing that you are visiting Kim, that she has you there helping her fight!
Do ever doubt the impact you have on people's lives!
God bless you!
May 13, 2009 at 12:15 PM
Blogger Carol Urban said...

I read Kim's post yesterday and just sat there and cried. Phil was working from home and asked me what was wrong so I told him.

I feel devastated when I can't DO something to help someone. I worry so much about you girls; my other survivor buddies. I pray for each of you every day. In fact, a couple times a day.
May 13, 2009 at 12:30 PM

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