Friday, May 29, 2009

MAY 29, 2009

I was dreading celebrating my son's birthday in the hospital. Kevin was a week shy of his second birthday when I was diagnosed, and my surgery was two days before his birthday. There was NO WAY I was going to be home for his birthday - 3-5 days before recovery enough to go home? Not me! I went home on my son's birthday. For me, there wasn't a better day. We kept the celebration small and short, but it was still a celebration nonetheless.

Tomorrow will be another small celebration. We will head out in the morning for groceries and errands (this new coupon system I am using RULES!!!), then home for lunch and naptime, and we are going to have a not-very-healthy-but-totally-yummy dinner. Something fun for dinner - quesadillas maybe? Maybe eggs and bacon? I don't know yet. But then, dessert.

Oh, the dessert I have planned. We are going to get ice cream tomorrow, and all the fixings to make our own sundaes. I am going to have an early dinner, then early celebration with the kids, and let them go nuts with the ice cream (well, sort of). I won't let them bathe in it or rub it into the cat's hair or anything - but, if they want nuts and marshmallows and caramel and sprinkles and chocolate sauce and ice cream, then that's what they get. Of course, Kevin will get first dibs on the goodies. :-)

I figure that this will be a fun, memorable way to celebrate my little man growing up. It also means that I won't have cake sitting around my house, begging me to eat it. I do understand that this means that the ice cream will be calling my name, but I am going to get the smaller containers and TRY to get the light ice cream. See....healthy!


Happy Birthday, Kevin!
Is he seriously three?
Have a wonderful time tomorrow and eat lots of ice cream!
Love ya.. !
May 30, 2009 at 5:16 AM

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