Saturday, May 23, 2009

MAY 23, 2009

I woke up this morning with a feeling of giddiness, happiness, and sheer joy that can only be likened to the same feelings I wake up with on my birthday. It's a sense of appreciation for what I have, what I have to look forward to, and a time to reflect on what I have learned. 

As I was getting ready to take the kids to the Memorial Day parade this morning (something we missed last year because of the diagnosis - stupid cancer!), I realized that I am happy today is here. It's a feeling of triumph, of victory, of sadness (as I think about my friends that are still battling this bastard), and of nostalgia. 

I had to wash my "I Will Win" tee shirt last night. I wasn't going to wear it today, and yet, that felt wrong. I don't want to upstage the vets and those serving today at the parade, but today's a Memorial Day for me in many ways. Not only do the kids and I get to show our support of our country, our vets, and those amazing people that risk their lives daily to keep us all safe and protected (fireman, police, military, etc.), we get to show support for MY fight. I will wear my shirt with pride, along with my button that states, loud and clear, "I Am A Colon Cancer Survivor!" 

And, who knows - maybe I'll meet someone who is wondering about their symptoms? Maybe I can make a difference in someone's life today. Maybe I'll make a new friend. And, maybe, I'll enjoy this gorgeous day with my beautiful babies and just bask in the fact that I AM ALIVE.

And, yes, I will still celebrate my birthday next month! :-)


Carol Urban said...
Great thought to wear the shirt knowing someone may ask you about it! Way to go!
May 23, 2009 at 10:04 AM


Wearing my shirt and pin, and having the kids wear their team shirts, got people's attention. I had several people ask me about it, comment on the shirts, ask the kids where "Michelle" was (their shirt fronts say Michelle Will Win!), and then comment, congratulate me, and ask questions. It was well worth the load of laundry I had to do to wear this shirt today!

The Cancer Treatment Centers of America was at the Memorial Day parade today, and I spoke with them, got in touch with a 3-year colon cancer survivor, and made some great connections. I also had several non-vendor people stop and ask me when, how, etc. I even had people in the parade stop and congratulate me, give me a hug, etc. It was unbelievable.

A hell of a way to celebrate my cancer-versary, for sure. And, it's only 12:40. Who knows what the rest of the day is going to bring!


Carol Urban said...
Wonderful! I am so happy that the cancerversary wasn't the downer you expected. I say go with the positive.
May 23, 2009 at 6:16 PM
Blogger Jill said...
May 25, 2009 at 8:36 AM

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